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Moreover it would seem that without work and children The elderly spend time only on pleasure. But the most often they don’t have enough money and live in poverty. Besides they have health problems so they spend a lot of time on waiting for a doctor .But not every old person is unhappy. There are a lof of people who travel after retire , develop a passion or simply find a happiness in care of grandchild.

To sum up I think that every stage of life has advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately the most often we focus on downside and see positive side only when we enter the next stage. But when we listen to stories of elderly they often mention careless childhood, adulthood which pass on the fun, middle age associated with major changes, parenting and family, which bring old people the most happiness .

Moreover, it might seem that without working and raising children the elderly spend time only on pleasure. But most often (usually) they don’t have enough money and live in poverty. Since they have health problems, they spend much time queuing at the doctor's. But not every older person is unhappy. There are a lof of people who travel after having retired, develop their passions or just happily look after their grandchildren.

To sum up, I think that every stage of life has its advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, most often we focus on the downside and we don't see the upside until we enter the next stage. But when we listen to the elderly telling some stories, they often mention careless childhood and adulthood, which pass in spirit of fun, the middle age associated with major changes, parenting and family, which bring much happiness to older people.
edytowany przez karo151: 30 gru 2010
Cytat: karo151
Moreover, it might seem that without working and raising children the elderly spend time only on pleasure. But most often (usually) they don’t have enough money and in poverty() (tu nie powinno byc kropki a continuacja zdania....since they have health problems, they spend much time queuing at the doctor's. But not every older person is unhappy. There are a 'lof' (ortog) of people who travel (ale WHERE?) after having retired, develop their passions or just happily look after their grandchildren.

But when we listen to the elderly telling some stories, they often mention 'careless' (to jest calkowicie zle slowo, tutaj powinno byc 'carefree') childhood and adulthood, which passES in spirit of fun, the middle age IS associated with major changes, parenting and family, which 'bring' (BRINGS bo to zwraca sie do 'age') much happiness to older people.