Tekst, nie wiem czy dobrze;p

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
hej. mam do was prośbę, możecie mi to sprawdzić.?
Dear Editorial office
My name's Agnieszka and I'm 16. I moved to new city with my family halfa year ago. With 1st september I went to new school with mind, that will be nice, pleasanty. Unfortunately I found to very unsociable class wich ridil me at the moment. The most common reason are, when I get good estimation or when I don't go to truncy. I tried be like them: Talk them language, sometimes I moved to curse, but this ways don't help. What should I do? I'm turning to you, becouse I'm ashmed to talk anyone about this. I'm to count on you.
Agnieszka from Cracow
I moved to (brak przedimka) new city with my family 'half a year' (mowimy 'six months') ago. 'With' ON THE 1st september I went to (brak przedima) new school 'with mind' (Nie, daj 'thinking'), that IT will be nice, 'pleasanty' (zla czesc mowy). Unfortunately I found (brak slowa okreslajacego szkole) to very (brak przedimka) unsociable class 'wich' (ortog) 'ridil' (ortog) me at the moment. The most common reason (tutaj l. mn bo masz 'are') are, when I get good 'estimation' (calkowicie zle sklowo, tutaj 'marks') or when I don't 'go to' PLAY 'truncy' (ortog). I tried (brak slowa) be like them: Talk 'them' (zle slowo, tutaj 'their') language, sometimes I 'moved to curse' (tego nie rozumiem), but 'this' (l. mn bo masz 'ways') ways don't help.
I'm turning to you, 'becouse' (tak tego slowa nie piszemy) I'm 'ashmed' (ortog) to talk (brak slowa) anyone about this. I'm 'to count' (counting) on you.