Opis wymarzonego miasta.... Prosze o sprawdzenie tłumaczenia.

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Witam serdecznie wszystkich forumowiczów, mam prośbę taką abyście mi sprawdzili czy dobrze przetłumaczyłem tekst (najpierw napisałem go po Polsku a później tłumaczyłem)
Moje wymarzone miasto było by średniej wielkości. Nazwałbym je Bishop Land. W mieście było by dużo parków w których były by ławeczki i place zabaw dla dzieci. W moim mieście było by także kilka centrów handlowych z których znajdowały by się moje ulubione sklepy. Także w mieście znajdowała by się duża pływalnia. Chciałbym także by w moim wymarzonym mieście było dużo obiektów sportowych na których mogli by się rozwijać sportowcy. W mieście było by wszystko ekologiczne żywność, a także ludzie poruszali by się nowoczesnymi samochodami które były by ekologiczne. Po za miastem było by dużo terenów, gdzie mieszkańcy mogli by spędzać wolny czas. Także na terenach rekreacyjnych były by jeziora z pięknymi plażami. Od czasu do czasu były by organizowane koncerty na których występowały by największe gwiazdy. Także w moim wymarzonym mieście było by kilka kin do których wstęp był by wolny. Każdy mieszkaniec miasta miałby pracę z której byłby zadowolony. W mieście panowały by pewne prawa które każdy mieszkaniec musiał by przestrzegać. W Bishop Land było by bezpiecznie a także panował by wielki spokój a ludzie byli by przyjaźni. Takie miasto jak z mojej wyobraźni powinno istnieć ponieważ było by piękne.

My dream city would be of medium size. I would call them Bishop Land. In the city it would be a lot of parks in which they were to benches and playgrounds for children. In my town it would be several shopping centers which were to be my favorite shops. Also in town was to a large swimming pool. I would also like to dream in my town there was a lot of sports on which they could develop athletes. In the city it would be all organic food, and people moved to the modern cars that would have been organic. After the city would be a lot of areas where residents would be able to hang out. Also in recreational areas were to the lake with beautiful beaches. From time to time would have been organized concerts that have experienced the biggest stars. Also in my dream city would be some kin to whom he was to free admission. Every inhabitant of the city would work with that would be happy. In a city dominated by certain rights that every citizen must be respected. The Bishop Land would be safe and that there was a great peace and the people were to friendship. Such a city like my imagination, there should be because it would be beautiful.
tlumaczyles doslownie albo dales do translatora
jezeli piszesz o jednym miescie, dlaczego potem mowisz o nim 'them'?
zdania typu 'w miescie byloby duzo parkow' tlumaczy sie jako 'in my town, there would be a lot of parks' albo 'the town would have a lot of parks'
takie poprawki konieczne sa w prawie kazdym zdaniu.
Jak to poprawisz, zajmiemy sie innymi bledami.
Trochę nie rozumiem tego co napisałeś.... A mógł byś może poprawić wszystkie błędy??? Bo ja to tłumaczyłem samemu i tak jak mówisz dosłownie..... Bo z angielskiego jestem trochę słaby....;/
nie moge poprawic bledow, bo jest ich za duzo. napisalem Ci, jak poprawic najwazniejsze. Takie same bledy sa w wielu zdaniach i tak samo trzeba je poprawic.
A gdzie znalazles tlumaczenie 'by' jako 'to'?
Znalazłem w słowniku który kupowała nam szkoła...
Możesz teraz to sprawdzić?

My dream city would be medium sized. I would call it: "Bishop Land". There would be a lot of parks that would contain benches and playgrounds for the children. There would be several shopping centers which were to be my favorite shops. I would also have a large swimming pool in the town. There would be alot of sport facilities which would be able to develop their own athletes. In the city, it would be all organic food, and people would drive with modern cars which drive on organic fuel. Behind the city would be a lot of areas where inhabitants would be able to hang out. There would be recreational areas near the lake with beautiful beaches. From time to time there would be concerts organized where the biggest stars would perform. There would also be some kin which would have free admission. Every inhabitant of the city would do the work that makes them happy. The town would have certain rights that every citizen has to respect. The Bishop Land would be safe, there would be peace and the people were friendly. There should be a city like my imagination, because there it would be beautiful.
Cytat: zdzichos
Możesz teraz to sprawdzić?

My dream city would be medium sized. I would call it: "Bishop Land". There would be a lot of parks that would contain benches and playgrounds for /the/-UKOSNIK=USUN SLOWO children. There would be several shopping centers WITH my favorite shops. IT would also have a large swimming pool in the town. There would be ROZDZIEL SLOWA->alot of sport facilities /which would be able to develop their own athletes/ NAPISALES 'KTORE ROZWIJALYBY SPORTOWCOW'. NAPISZ 'WHERE ATHLETES COULD PRACTISE. In the city, it would be all organic food, and people would drive /with/ modern cars which WOULD RUN on organic fuel. Behind the city BRAK SLOWA would be a lot of areas where THE PEOPLE would be able to RELAX. There would be recreational areas near the lake with beautiful beaches. From time to time there would be concerts /organized/ where the biggest stars would perform. There would also be some kin<NIE WIESZ, JAK PO ANGIELSKU 'KINA'? which would have free admission. Every inhabitant of the city would do the work that MADE them happy. The town would have certain rights that every citizen has<- TEZ Z WOULD MUSI BYC to respect. Bishop Land would be safe, there would be peace and the people were<TEZ Z WOULD friendly. There should be a city like THE ONE IN my imagination, because it would be beautiful.
Dzięki wielkie... Pozdrawiam :)
Dzięki wielkie... Pozdrawiam :)
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