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Mialam opisac najbrzydsza i najladniejsza osobe jaka widzialam no i troszke nakrecilam tzn. nie wiedzialam jakiego czasu uzyc. Tylko prosze sie nie smiac ;>

One day I has seen the most ugly girl. She was disgusting and she looking as cockroach. She was short and plump. She had bushy eyerbrowns. Her hair was grease . She had acne and on nose had enormous pimple. Her toothe looking like toothe marmot.;)) She made a wry month Her clothes was repulsive . In addition she had provocative make up. Maybe she didn't have a mirror at home?

.....i drugi opis:
In last week I saw the most ugly boy. He was tall and skinny. On all face he had freckles. He had red-haired. He remind me squirrel. His hande hanged till groun He had long and wry foots . His clouths was dirty and sloppy. dalej mialo byc ze mam nadzieje ze juz go nie zobacze ale sie zamotalam i nie wiedzialam jak napisac..

Jezeli ktos sie podejmie porawy tego to bede bardzo wdzieczna bo ja jestem laikiem jesli chodzi o angielski :>
One day I have seen the ugliest girl. She was disgusting and she looked like a cockroach. She was short and plump. She had bushy eyerbrowns. Her hair was greasy. She had acne and there was an enormous pimple on her nose. Her teeth looked like awfully. She smiled in a horrible way and her clothes were repulsive. Moreover, she had a provocative make-up. Maybe she does not have a mirror at home?

.....i drugi opis:
Last week I saw the most ugly boy. He was tall and skinny. He had freckles all over his face. He was red-haired. As a matter of fact he looked like a squirrel. His hands and feet were disproportunately long. His clothes were dirty and sloppy. dalej mialo byc ze mam nadzieje ze juz go nie zobacze ale sie zamotalam i nie wiedzialam jak napisac.. - I do hope I will never see him again