Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

1th December 2005
Dear Alice,
Thanks for your ivnitation to your home In the mountains on Winter Holidays. I was really pleasen but I can`t arrive to you. Now I`m having move into my new house. The move is one big disaster. Firstly, the Messrs from the move bruised our new crockery from wedding. Later somebody mistook our commission and funtnitures went to another state too Colorado (we live in New York). I`m very very angdy and tired. I just want live in my new house in New York. OK,maybe I`m decribing you my home. Well we looked for a well- located flat, far from the city traffic, and we found exactly what we dream. We`re moving in the lake dictrict, in detached house with 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms, but we must modernize a flat and install central heating. I hope you will find some time to visit me in Poland next time, maybe in our wedding anniversary on 26th January 2006.

See you soon!
Love and kisses.
1th December 2005

Dear Alice,

Thanks for your ivnitation to your home in the mountains on winter holidays. It is very nice of you but I can`t arrive to you. Now I`m having move into my new house. The move is just one big disaster. Firstly, the Messrs from the move bruised our new crockery from wedding. Later somebody mistook our commission and the furniture went to another state to Colorado (we live in New York). I`m very very angry and tired. I just want to live in my new house in New York. OK, maybe I should decribe my home. Well, we were looking for a well-located flat, far from the city traffic, and we found exactly what we dream. We`re moving in the lake dictrict, in a detached house with 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms, but we must modernize the flat and install central heating. I hope you will find some time to visit me in Poland next time, maybe during our wedding anniversary on 26th January 2006.

See you soon!
Love and kisses.
Dziękuje bardzo
1st December ( bo: firST)
I should describe my new house.....
...We found what we have been dreaming of/about.
...we are moving to...., to the detached house
starsznie tu pełno błędów, chyba lepiej byłoby napisać to od początku...

... we are moving to a new house...
I can`t arrive to you

to jest niegramatycznie.

but, unfortunately, I can't come (albo: I can't visit you).

Now I`m
>having move into my new house.
Now I'm moving into my new house.

>Firstly, the Messrs from the move bruised our new crockery from

from the moving company
damaged our new crockery from the wedding

>Later somebody mistook our commission
co to ma znaczyć?

and we found exactly
>what we dream.
and we found exactly what we dreamed of.

>We`re moving in the lake dictrict, in a detached house
to the lake district
into a detached house

I hope you will find some time to visit me in
>Poland next time, maybe during our wedding anniversary on 26th January

Troche się to kupy nie trzyma. Najpierw piszesz, że mieszkasz w NY, a teraz zapraszasz do Polski?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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