list z tegorocznej matury.prosze sprawdzcie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
How are you? I haven't written for such a long time but have been very busy lately. pOLAND we can interesting place. Take sun lotion with you in case the weather is good We will swim in the lake and sunbathe then. There is also a beautiful park near my house.I also should also take a warm sweater in case the weather is bad. I'd like to invite you to a party to celebrate my twenty brithday The party starts at 7 p.m on Saturday in our school because I think It's very good place I have arranged every think you wanted Your flight number is BW 204 I''ll pick you up from the aiport I''llwaiting in the arriwals hall.
drugie zdanie jest bez sensu. nie ma powiazania trzeciego zdania z poprzednimi
zdanie o swetrze dotyczy Ciebie?
dwadzieścia urodziny
think = myśleć - to zdanie jakby dotyczylo tej imprezy urodzinowej
be waiting
brakuje kilku przedimkow.

na podstawowy wystarczy
a ile moglabym dostac za to punktow?? pare informacji nie podalam. prosze odpowiedz
to jest calosc :

How are you? I haven't written for such a long time but have been very busy lately. pOLAND we can interesting place. Take sun lotion with you in case the weather is good We will swim in the lake and sunbathe then. There is also a beautiful park near my house.I also should also take a warm sweater in case the weather is bad. I'd like to invite you to a party to celebrate my twenty brithday The party starts at 7 p.m on Saturday in our school because I think It's very good place I have arranged every think you wanted Your flight number is BW 204 I''ll pick you up from the aiport I'll waiting in the arriwals hall.
In case of change of plans -phone me. I am sure you spend unforgettable vacation in my home town
will have an unforgettable

nie znam sie na ocenianiu matur