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Czy moglibyście rzucić okiem na tekst i napisać czy coś jest nie tak(i co)?

Firstly, incident on Edgar Street gives Ed courage. The fact that He win The confrontation with big and strong men causes that Ed begins to believe in his physical strength. This allows him to accomplish next challenges for example with Rose brothers or when he and Merv had to talk with Mr. Boyd.
Secondly, there are some tasks which makes Ed feel better, because he is aware that he has friends. Ed used to visit old lady, Milla and at the beginning he believes that he does it only for her but over time he understand that spending time with Milla gives him a pleasure. Moreover tasks from heart card bring Ed, Merv and Ritchie together and what is the most important they concur to Audrey and Ed’s love. I believe that the this fact changes his life and he could be really happy.

story shows us how people who is average cab driver without prospects turns into local hero. Moreover Ed has many experiences, sometimes unpleasant but they make him stronger and self-confident what are traits of complacent people.
edytowany przez Dzyn_dzyn_dzyn: 06 maj 2011


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