to fragment artykulu o badaniach majacych na celu rozwiklania problemu zwezania sie aorty. problem w tym ze standardowe znaczenie "stosowac sie do" jakos mi nie pasuje w tym kontekscie. a co za tym idzie kompletnie nie wiem co oznacza tytulowe "compliance" w tym kontekscie:
(...) 33 patients with successful repair of croactation and 17 control matched subjects underwent MRI of the thoracic aorta. three local elasticity indexes including distensibility, COMPLIANCE and stiffness beta-index were calculated at ascending aorta. (...)
compared with the control matched subjects, patients with successful repair of croactation had significant impairments of the biophisical properties at the procroactation aorta. they had decreased distensibility, decreased COMPLIANCE (i tu jakies wartosci) at the ascending aorta (...)
bardzo prosze o pomoc :)