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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Sir or Madam
I am writing this letter to becouse i want express dissatisfaction with my new album. I bought a London album in your shop for 10£. Unfortunately there are two serious defects that are disqualifying the album. First, the album is missing 10 random pages. Second, the page with table of contents is so dirty that it’s impossible to read anything. I purchased this album like 3 days ago. I can prove it by showing you receipt. I would be grateful if you could consider a full refund of 10£. If that is impossible I would be grateful if you could exchange this album because it’s important to me. I enclose faulty album with receipt.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully.
I am writing this letter to (ale do kogo? bo jak juz napisales 'to' to ja oczekuje cos tam) 'becouse' (to slowo nie istnieje w jez. ang - sprawdz i napisz poprawnie) 'i' (I piszemy duyuza litera ZAWSZE) want (brak slowa) express (brak slowa) dissatisfaction with my new album.
Unfortunately there are two serious defects that are 'disqualifying the album' (nie, tak nie piszemy, 'disqualifying' jest zle slowo). First, the album 'is missing 10 random pages' (napisz to inaczej...has....). Second, the page with (brak slowa) table of contents is so dirty that it’s impossible to read anything. I purchased this album 'like' (wytlumacz mi dokladnie dlaczego uzywasz to slowo tutaj, co ono dodaje i jaki poziom jez. ang. pokazuje) 3 days ago. I can prove it by showing you (brak slowa) receipt.

If that is impossible I would be grateful if you could exchange this album (ale na co? musisz napisac) because it’s important to me. I enclose (brak slowa) faulty album with (brak slowa) receipt.
... two serious defects that are rendering the album useless.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 19 wrz 2011
a mógłbyś mi napisać ten liścik w poprawnej formie?
bo nie rozumiem większości błędów i nie wiem jak poprawić
---> jestem 1 gimnazjum
Napisz z brakujacymi slowami ie. przedimkami tak jak potrafisz i znow ktos zbada:)
Napisałem to od nowa, duzo pozmieniałem.
Mam nadzieje ze teraz będzie lepiej

Customer Services Departament
Maria Trifle
London SW17 70P

Dear Sir or Madam
I am writting to reaport a fault with the my new London album that i bought from The Articels Shop in London on 25th May.
Album has two defect
First, the album is missing 10 random pages. Second, the page with table of contents is so dirty.
I am returning the album to you with this letter. I would be grateful if oyu could reipar the fault. If thos os not possible, could you please send me a new album.

I look forward to hearing from you
Your faithfully

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with my ...
... is very dirty..
I would be grateful if the defects could be repaired or a new album be sent to me.
should have been:
I am writing to you to express ...
Dear Sir or Madam
I am 'writting' (blad ortog) to 'reaport' (blad ortog) a fault with 'the my' (co to jest?) new London album that 'i' (Juz chj o tym pisalam, ZAWSZE duza litera - dlaczego ty myslisz, ze mozesz inaczej?) bought from The 'Articels' (ortog) Shop in London on (brak slowa)25th May.
Album has two 'defect' (tutaj potrzebna jest l. mnoga, bo slowo 'two' daje Ci znac, ze bedzie wiecej jak jeden)
Second, the page with table of contents is so dirty THAT.........
I would be grateful if 'oyu' (ortog) could 'reipar' (ortog) the fault. If 'thos' (ortog) 'os' (ortog) not possible, could you please send me a new album.

'Your' Zle slowo) faithfully

Prosze naucz pisac sie bez tych bykow ortograf.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.