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Regular exercises such as jogging or swimming is good for the heart. It can also give you more energy to enjoy life. As a ... of regular exercise, your body gets better in using oxygen. It becomes easier for your heart to pump blood to your body. After a while, the heart doesn't have to work quite as hard. Exercise is often thought to be an easy way of losing weight. But in fact, exercise tends to increase your appetite. Many people discover they lose little weight with exercise alone. Both diet and exercise are needed to achieve this. Some people exercise because they think it will help them to live longer. If that is your reason for exercising, then you should avoid short, intensive exercise. Squash, for example, ... is a fast game, may be harmful if you're unfit or middle-aged. Other sports can be dangerous too. Although both rugby and football are popular sports, a rugby player is three times more likely to be injured than a tennis player. It is advisable, ... , to choose a sport that suits you and not one that is going to harm you.
edytowany przez Monqp: 20 wrz 2011
Według mnie, powinno to wyglądać mniej więcej tak:

Regular exercises such as jogging or swimming is good for the heart. It can also give you more energy to enjoy life. As a RESULT of regular exercise, your body gets better in using oxygen. It becomes easier for your heart to pump blood FOR your body. After a while, the heart doesn't have to work quite as hard. Exercise is often thought to be an easy way of losing weight. But in fact, exercise tends to increase your appetite. Many people discover they lose on weight with exercise alone. Both diet and exercise are needed to achieve this. Some people exercise because they think it will help them to live longer. If that is your reason for exercising, then you should avoid short, intensive exercise. Squash, for example, whick is a fast game, may be harmful if you're unfit or middle-aged. Other sports can be dangerous too. Although both rugby and football are popular sports, a rugby player is three times more likely to be injured than a tennis player. It is advisable, ... , to choose a sport that suits you and not one that is going to harm you.

Ale się mogę mylić ;)
Last one:
I would't agree with FOR in #4
edytowany przez fui_eu: 20 wrz 2011
Dziękuję za pomoc
Regular exercises such as jogging or swimming 'is' (a dlaczego piszesz 'is' jak mowisz o 'exercises' to jest l. mn, prosze przepisywac UWAZNIE) good for the heart.
It becomes easier for your heart to pump blood to your body (serce nie pompuje DO ciala, tylko PRZEZ cialo).
Squash, for example, WHICH is a fast game, may be harmful if you're unfit or middle-aged.
It is advisable, THEREFORE.. , to choose a sport that suits you and not one that is going to harm you.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 20 wrz 2011

put on weight but lose on weight, aint it?
edytowany przez fui_eu: 21 wrz 2011
gets better at...
Prosze o sprawdzenie tekstu po angielsku
Jm Polish,J live in Poland.J like play football but J dont like tennis.J love watching volleyball and football.Football,volleyball and ski jumping are vety popular in Poland.My favorite team is Real Madrid,I like FC Barcelona too.My favourite player is Cristiano Ronaldo.This is a player of Real Madrid.This is a very popular player in the world.
'Jm' (tutaj ma byc 'I'm) Polish,'J' (popraw) live in Poland.'J' (popraw) like playING football but 'J' (popraw) don't like tennis.'J' (popraw) love watching volleyball and football.Football,volleyball and ski jumping are 'vety' (ortog) popular in Poland.
'This' HE is a player of Real Madrid and HE is a very popular player in the world.
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