TŁUMACZENIE proszę o pomoc !

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
witam, tłumaczyłam dziś dosyć obszerny wywiad ale pozostało mi kilka zdań co do których mam wątpliwości w tłumaczeniu dlateo prosiłabym was o pomoc! dziękuję!

1. Growing up in India I was fascinated by the rich cultural heritage and the diversity of art and craft the country has to offer. I guess my love for colour comes from my country. We are not afraid of mixing and using a huge palette here. I try and recreate these experiences with my own take on them in my collections today. Embroidery is one of my forte and I make sure I used traditional Indian techniques with modernized application each season.

2. I design for the modern independent woman who is not afraid to take risks or stand out in a crowd. She is comfortable in her skin and is confident in the way she dresses. A lady who’s out and about but still makes it to work on time the next day.

3. I am drawn towards modern art as that is the sensibility I can relate to the most. I was greatly influened by Indian pop art during the initial stages of my career.

4. art and fashion. They both are complimentary to each other with either one becoming the influence for the other. Every garment that is put up on the runway involves intensive labor and technical knowhow in the field of fashion. So in a way they can be called a work of art.

masz takie watpliwosci, ze nic nie rozumiesz? Ejże
rozumiem wszystko ale chodzi o ładne ubranie w zdania. mam zator dzisiaj mały
No to podaj swoją roboczą wersję a my poprawimy.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia