kategoria: Nauka języka angielskiego / forum: Pomoc językowa
27 wrz 2011
Marcolm and Srah’s holiday
It was the morning. Malcom and Sarah had to go on holiday to Italy. Everything was prepared and packed. Their plane was departed at 9 o’clock. It was already half past 8 but they were still sleeping, because the alarm didn’t go off. Suddenly Sarah woke up and she said “ Oh my God! Malcolm wake up! We haven’t got a lot of time. Our plane is departed in 15 minuts”. Malcolm and Srah hurried and fortunately they arrived at the airport in time. Unfortunately their flight was delayed but two seats were left for the earlier flight. Malcom and Srah was very happy but their joy didn’t last very long. They were sitting next to the Adams family. Adams family was very loud. Malcolm was very angry. He wanted to relax but he couldn’t becouse Adams family were still making noise. Fortunately Adams family went to diffrent resort. When the plane was landed Malcolm and Sarah had to went to their hotel by coach. But it was a problem becuse their coach had a puncture. Luckily, the hotel company organized taxi to the hotel. The hotel was far away, so they went very long. When their reached to the hotel they saw that their hotel is very awful. Every room was dirty and smelly. Sarah said that she doesn’t want to live their. But there was a room available in hotel in the next resort. This hotel was very beautiful and modern. Malcolm and Sarah were delighted. Unfortunalely the Adams family had the room in the same hotel. These holiday were terrible from Malcolm and Sarah. They wanted to spend time themselves but they couldn’t becouse Adams family were everywhere. They ate meals with Malcolm and Sarah, they sightsaw with Malcom and Sarah.
Malcolm and Sarah didn’t mention these holiday very well.
{Malcolm and Sarah’s} holiday.
It was {} morning. Malcom and Sarah {were ready} to go on holiday to Italy. Everything was prepared and packed. Their plane was {due to depart} at 9 o’clock. It was already half past 8, but they were still sleeping, because the alarm didn’t go off. Suddenly, Sarah woke up and she said, “ Oh my God! Malcolm, wake up! We haven’t got a lot of time. Our plane is {departing} in 15 {minutes.}” Malcolm and {Sarah} hurried and fortunately they arrived at the airport in time. Unfortunately, their flight was delayed, but {there were} two seats {} left for the earlier flight. Malcom and {Sarah were} very happy, but their joy didn’t last very long. They were sitting next to the Adams family. {The} family {were} very {noisy}. Malcolm was very angry. He wanted to relax, but he couldn’t {because the} Adams family were still making {a} noise. Fortunately, {the} Adams family {were going} to {a different} resort. When the plane {} landed, Malcolm and Sarah had to {go} to their hotel by coach. {On the way to the hotel a problem occured -} their coach had a puncture. Luckily, the hotel company organized {a} taxi to the hotel. The hotel was far away, so they went very long. When {they finally} reached {} the hotel, they {found} that their hotel {was} very awful. Every room was dirty and smelly. Sarah said that she {wouldn't stay} there. But there was a room available in {a} hotel in {another} resort. This hotel was very beautiful and modern. Malcolm and Sarah were delighted. Unfortunalely, the Adams family had {a} room in the same hotel. {That} holiday {was} terrible {for} Malcolm and Sarah. They wanted to spend {their} time {with each other,} but they couldn’t {because the} Adams family were everywhere. They ate meals with Malcolm and Sarah, they {went sightseeing} with Malcom and Sarah.
Malcolm and Sarah didn’t {have very fond memories of that} holiday.
These sentences are vastly different. The closing of a shop can be planned beforehand by a human agent and does not follow a schedule. The departure of a plane, on the other hand, DOES follow a schedule and therefore warrants the use of the simple aspect of the present tense. If somebody said to me "The plane is leaving in 15 minutes" I'd understand it differently. I'd imagine a guy preparing the plane for departure beforehand AND MAKING A CONSCIOUS DECISION that this very plane will make a flight. But that's not how it works, right?
The plane leaves in 15 minutes (= part of an unalterable schedule; a fact)
The plane is leaving in 15 minutes (= an isolated instance; not part of a schedule - a pilot wants to take a plane for a test flight, but he can't as one of the regular planes has broken down and this one will act as a substitute for a flight. The manager tells the pilot that the plane is leaving in 15 minutes. He planned this beforehand)
This is how I see it. I may be a complete nonsense as I am basing the above on my understanding of the two aspects and not on any textbook knowledge :) Do educate me though!
bednar, chcialem, abys sobie wyobrazil rozmowe, podobna do tej, w ktorej masz, Our plane is departing in 15 minutes, gdzie nie ma mowy o zmianie czasu wykonania jakiejs czynnosci przez osobe, ktora mowi to zdanie powyzej, jak i te ponizej: The shop is closing in 15 minutes. W obu przypadkach jest to wypowiedziane przez kogos, kto nie ma wplywu na odlot samolotu czy zamkniecie sklepu. Dla ciebie sa to dwa vastly different zdania. Dla mnie oczywiscie nie.
bednar, chcialem, abys sobie wyobrazil rozmowe, podobna do tej, w ktorej masz, Our plane is departing in 15 minutes, gdzie nie ma mowy o zmianie czasu wykonania jakiejs czynnosci przez osobe, ktora mowi to zdanie powyzej, jak i te ponizej: The shop is closing in 15 minutes. W obu przypadkach jest to wypowiedziane przez kogos, kto nie ma wplywu na odlot samolotu czy zamkniecie sklepu. Dla ciebie sa to dwa vastly different zdania. Dla mnie oczywiscie nie.
ale zamknięcie sklepu nie dzieje się codziennie, według harmonogramu. No nic, może ktoś rozstrzygnie?:)
The present would be favored in this particular example with continuous, however, being by no means impossible.( given a proper context )
There’s another thing. No one being of ‘sound mind’ would use a word ‘depart’ in such situations.
It’s way too formal. You don’t say that when you oversleep and spring from the bed, looking like that shaggy bear after hibernation. But that is the asker’s problem.
..and agentivity or non-agentivity has little to do with the situation here.
oczywiscie, ze nie ma
29 wrz 2011
tak to mialo byc do bednara , nie dopisalem.
a present naprawde jest ok , slyszalem to niejednokrotnie w podobnych sytuacjach
co nie wylkucza cont znow ze tylko troszeczke z innym odcieniem
I've found in a couple of sources that present simple is better in this case where we speak about schedule.
You can say "The movie starts at 9 pm" and "the plane departs in 15 minutes" as well, in my opinion.
30 wrz 2011
or you can say "our plane is departing (leaving) in 15 minutes (or less)" ... If you want to express that something will be made soon not according to schedule. Maybe I'm wrong but I understand it like this.
kategoria: Nauka języka angielskiego / forum: Pomoc językowa