Essay na 1000 słow- Prosze o poprawienie błedów gramatycznych

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Power of Violent Video Games
When I was young, I spend my free time outside with friends. I used to go somewhere on a bicycle, I played in soccer, and I went for walks in the countryside for exercises and pleasure time. I didn’t play vide or computer games because they were too expensive and not popular this time. Otherwise my younger brother he grows up in video games world, where he only play in soccer and rides a bike in front of TV or a computer. Nowadays, playing video games became a very popular activity for children and adolescents. Some video games may promote learning, problem solving, and development of skill such as math. However, there are concerns about effect of violent video games on young people who play excessively. According to Entertainment Software Association, “studies show that 92 percent of children under age 18 play regularly” (Wagner 3). Video games, and too often amount of game play, are related to troublesome behavioral and academic outcomes.
Playing video games have risen dangerous in school performance by children. In “The Trouble With Boys: A Surprising Report Card on Our Sons, Their Problems at school, and What Parents and Educators Must Do”, Peg Tyre, a veteran investigate reporter, points out that “About 15 percent of children surveyed in a recent National Institute on Media and the Family (NIMF) study said they feel they spend too much time playing video games. One in ten admits playing so much time that gaming sometimes hurts their homework”(199). She wants to show that the problem with playing video games exist in children school performance. Moreover, in the article “ Are violent video games harmful” by Guy Porter and Vladan Starvetic demonstrate a study involving 607 adolescences in order to identify patterns of video games use in relation to personality and aggression. They deduce that “time spent playing computer games was associated with trait hostility, arguments with teachers, physical fights, and power school performance” (424). Furthermore, according to article “Young Children’s Video/Computer Game Use: Relations with School Performance and behavior” Eric C. Hastings, professor University of Florida, School of Psychology argues “ several studies have shown a relationship between large amounts of time spent playing video games and poor performance in school”( 640). The study, which is based on data from a nationwide survey of 1,178 American children show connection between game playing time and child outcomes. “For boys time that the children spent per week playing video/games was significantly negatively correlated with CBCL school competence”( 644). These positive findings should warm parents and guardians that playing video games by children brings negative effects in school performance.
Playing violent video games appears to affect an aggression on children. Games can be divided on a few types such as: educational, sports, and violent. According to Roman Espejo, a book editor “Has Technology Increased Learning?” he says, “60% percent of the games contained a main theme of violence” (Dill, Gentile 9). Furthermore, Roman Espejo, illustrates a finding published in America Psychological Association’s Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. He announces, “One study reveals that young men who are habitually aggressive may be especially vulnerable to the aggression-enhancing effects of repeated exposure to violent games”(Anderson 9). According to article “Are violent video games harmful?”, Guy Porter and Vladan Starvetic show an example of two young men from Columbine High School that shot in 1991, 12 students and one teacher before committing suicide. They played a violent video game ‘Doom’, where the plot is to kill other people. Authors say “The two killers had mentioned the game in a video they made before the massacre, stating it would be ‘just like Doom’”(423). According to Douglas A. Gentile, a developmental psychologist at Iowa State University and director of research at the National Institute on Media and the Family, he point out that “During the school year, the teachers, peers, and students themselves reported that the violent-video-games-playing cohorts become more aggressive on the playground and in the classroom than their nonviolent video-game-playing peers”(Tyre 189). The fact about the crime in Columbine High School and findings scientists should aware parents that playing violent video games is dangerous for their children.
While some argue that playing video games by children effect their poor educational skill and violent behavior, while some disagree with this claim. In Edgewater High School in Orlando, Florida, where “some teachers are using video games to encourage reluctant-to-read boys to brush up on their literacy games”(Tyre 197). Additionally, one study suggests potential positive effects of video games play on attention improve school performance. According to study Anderson & Bushman, 2011, where 70 children, consisted mostly middle-class, were examined, authors point out that “our study found that playing certain types of games specifically educational games, may have positive outcomes, such as good school performance and fewer attention”( Hastings 647). However, there are findings, which tell about positive effects playing video games, but I think this is rather improbable, and this is said by people to get benefits on the market. According to article, Newest 'Call of Duty' blasts past $1B, author Mike Snider, presents “The game's publisher, Activision Blizzard, announced that the latest release in the first-person shooting series surpassed the $1 billion mark in just 16 days since its Nov. 8 debut. That game went on to become the top-selling video game of all time, with more than 25 million copies sold”(1 ).
To sum up my contemplation I must say that playing video games is a very popular activity by children. Many of them resign from pleasure occupations such as playing in soccer or reading books. They prefer to play video games, which contribute them to troublesome behavior and results at schools. Unfortunately, children are not conscious their actions. Parents can play a key role in successful their children. According to article by Harvard Mental Health Letter “Violent Video Games And Young People” author says, “Parents can protect children from potential harm by limiting use of video games and taking-other common-sense recalculations”(1). As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure; we must decrease use of video games for children to prevent unwanted troublesome behavioral and academic outcomes.
wtf? kto zadaje teraz eseje na 1k słów?
no widzisz, jak edukacja sie zmienila, teraz to chca 'blood'.

W tym eseju sa bledy. To chyba jest tlumaczone slowo w slowo. Juz nawet nic nie powiem o tych (moich) przedimkach


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