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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The best place for me to forget all my worries is a few kilometers from where I live. It is a little are of woodland.Most people don't go there because it is situated on large hill.I walk there everytime I'm worried about a problem or just want to be alone.In spring, this square is full of coulours.The trees have unparalleled green colour.It is a strong relief to my eyes after staying at all houres at home.Moreover, at the end of, there is a wonderful sight on the outskirts of my town.In the humid summer the morning dew smells unbelievable sprightly.There are also different kinds of forest fruits which tastes extremely well.To contrast with, in winter all surface is covered in snow.I love the feeling when I stroll around it and snow creaks under my shoes.It is extremely relaxing for me.To sum up, every time I stroll there I feel as it was the most unusual place on the Earth.

The best place for me to forget all my worries is a few 'kilometers' (ortog) from where I live. It is a little 'are' (zle slowo) of woodland.Most people don't go there because it is situated on (przedimek) large hill.
In (przedimek) spring, this square is full of 'coulours' (ortog).The trees have (przedimek) unparalleled green colour.It is a strong relief to my eyes after staying 'at' (niepotr) all 'houres' (ortog) at home. Moreover, at the end of (ale czego?) , there is a wonderful sight on the outskirts of my town.In the humid summer the morning dew smells 'unbelievable' (popraw) sprightly.There are also different kinds of forest fruits which 'tastes' (tutaj 'fruits' l. mn) extremely 'well' (zle slowo., tutaj GOOD).'To contrast with' (napisz In contrast,), in (przedimek) winter all (przedimek) surface is covered in snow.

I think he meant "a little areA"
Bardzo, naprawdę bardzo dziękuję za sprawdzenie.Tu niżej wersja poprawiona.Jeżeli będzie miała Pani czas, proszę także o sprawdzenię ostatniego zdania w tekście.

The best place for me to forget all my worries is a few 'kilometers' (ortog) from where I live. It is a little AREA of woodland.Most people don't go there because it is situated on THE large hill.In THE spring, this square is full of COLOURS.The trees have AN unparalleled green colour.It is a strong relief to my eyes after staying all HOURS at home. Moreover, at the end of THIS WOOD, there is a wonderful sight on the outskirts of my town.In the humid summer the morning dew smells SO sprightly.There are also different kinds of forest fruits which TASTE extremely GOOD .In contrast, in THE winter all THE surface is covered in snow.
I love the feeling when I stroll around it and snow creaks under my shoes.It is extremely relaxing for me.To sum up, every time I stride there I feel as it was the most unusual place on the Earth.
The best place for me to forget all my worries is a few 'kilometers' (ortog - kilometres- km-BrE) from where I live.
Most people don't go there because it is situated on 'THE' (tutaj A) large hill.
Moreover, at the end of THIS WOOD (napisz 'woodland' sporawdz w slowniku czy pasuje), there is a wonderful sight on the outskirts of my town.In the humid summer the morning dew smells SO 'sprightly' (nie za bardzo to slowo pasuje tutaj, nie za bardzo znaczy to co chesz powiedziec, moze 'refreshingly?) -
I love the feeling when I stroll around it and THE snow 'creaks' (teraz tez widze, ze to nie najlepsze slowo tutaj, 'creaks' uzywamy wiecej jak metal na metal, np zardzewiale drzwi, moze 'crunches'-sprawdz w slowniku) under my shoes.