
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

od zawsze miałam problem z czasami angielskimi, a przyszło mi napisać pracę..
Potrzebowałabym pomocy w poprawieniu mojej pracy.
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For the last 20 years the poverty in Poland has been changing to better but every day Poland and her inhabitants are meeting with poverty and deficiency.
The most important things which, unfortunately, the poorest people can not afford are: food, clothes, healthy and place to live. It caused of that the people can not earn enough money. When the people do not have much money they still need the basics things. But our government does not care! Because of this, higher prices are caused by the government. Taxes are still growing and many Poles’ still do not have a job.
I also think that another reason of poverty in my country is that the Poles’ are having a tendency to fall into an alcoholism (mainly as an escape from the problems).

After the overthrow of communism the political system in Poland has changed. In the shops had been more products so the Poles’ had the right to choose what do they need. But it was lasting awhile.
The poverty in my country is still huge. Many people live in the street. Generally these are elderly people without the help of family and without a job of course. All of this is caused of alcohol or drugs which they were using at a young age. It is also effect of casino games or not paying debts.
When the authority in the Poland has been changing the standard of life has changed diametrically. The consequence of different authority is that the many people are unemployment at that time and even after the studies is very hard to find a job. We see that in small towns or villages. There is no job, people have not got money, and the nearest factories are several dozens kilometers away from people’s home. The effect of that is that the people live in a very low standard of life.
We can also hear it in the news that the economy will be changing but the inhabitants don’t see the difference. They are still suffering.
The statistics are not bad. We are on the 41st place (as the richest country in the world). Therefore in Poland there is a lot of places where we can fight with alcoholism and poverty.
Unfortunately, Poland is a country who complain about money and health and always will be.

For the last 20 years the poverty in Poland has been changing' to better' (to jest niezrozumiane) but every day Poland and her inhabitants are meeting'with' (to jest za bardzo slowo w slowo z polskiego) poverty and deficiency.
The most important things which, unfortunately, the poorest people can not afford are: food, clothes, 'healthy' (ale 'healthy CO?) and (przedimek) place to live. 'It caused of tha' (po jakiemu to jest?) the people can not earn enough money. When the people do not have much money they still need the 'basics' (zle slowo) things.
'Because of this' (to znaczy ze dlatego ze oni nie maja sumienia to podwyzszaja ceny) higher prices are caused by the government. Taxes are still 'growing' (daj inne slowo) and many Poles’ still do not have a job.
I also think that another reason of poverty in my country is that the Poles’ 'are having' (zly czas) a tendency to fall into 'an' (niepotr) alcoholism (mainly as an escape from the problems).

After the overthrow of communism the political system in Poland has changed. In the shops' had been' (zly czas) more products so the Poles’ had the right to choose what 'do' (nie wim dlaczego uzylas to slowo tutaj) they need. 'But it was lasting awhile' (tego to nawet nie rozumiem).
Many people live' in' ON the street.
All of this is caused 'of alcohol or drugs which they were using at a young age' (to jest nie prawda, bo jest duzo ludzi, ktorzy stracili prace, dom, rodzine nie przez ich wine-nie pisz takich bzdur).
When the authority in' the' (dlaczego dalas 'the' przed Poland?) Poland 'has been changing' (zly czas) the standard of life has changed diametrically. The consequence of different authority is that' the' (nieportz) many people are' unemployment' (zla czesc mowy) at that time and even after 'the studies' (jakich dokladnie- piszesz na skruty i uzywajac mowe mlodych ludzi - trzeba dokladniej) is very hard to find a job.
We can also hear' it' (a tak dokladnie do czego to 'it sie odnisi? tlumaczysz slowo w slowo z polskiego - a tak nie robimy po ang) in the news that the economy will be changing but the inhabitants don’t see the difference.
We are 'on' (zle slowo) the 41st place ('as' (zle slowo) the richest country in the world).
Unfortunately, Poland is a country 'who' (zle slowo)(tu brakuje pare slowo) 'complain' (zla czesc mowy) about money and health and always will be.


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