Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy znacie może rzeczowniki abstrakcyjne które mają 2 znaczenia z czego jedno jest policzalne i konkretne a jedno nie policzalne i właśnie abstrakcyjne? coś takiego jak np. Business jako firma- konkretne, policzalne i Business jako biznes- abstrakcyjne, niepoliczalne
Potrzebuję takich 10... mam kilka ale teraz już trudno mi znaleźć cokolwiek nowego.
Byłabym bardzo wdzięczna :)
a to dlaczego sama nie mozesz znalezc ? Co to jest highly classified information ?
Idiotyczne zadanie, którego jedynym celem jest strata czasu ucznia.

room (There's no room left in the car. vs. How many rooms does this house have?)
work (This is one of Shakespeare's greatest works. vs. He needs work.)
room i work zapewne juz ma na swojej liscie
ciekawe, czy ma rowniez:
light (Light travels at the speed of 299,792,458 metres per second. vs There was a cold grey light creeping under the curtains.)
How about noise?

At 3 am a noise woke me up.
Children can make a lot of noise.
beauty, difficulty , experience, sound, talk
And what about hearing:
His mind still seemed clear and his hearing was excellent.
After more than two hours of pandemonium, the judge adjourned the hearing until next Tuesday.
It was a friendship that could last forever
dziękuję wszystkim bardzo za pomoc :)
A co się stało z nieodrabianiem pracy domowej za innych?
tym razem zgodziłem się z Evą: takich rzeczy nie da się wykoncypować na podstawie znajomości okreslonych regułek - albo pytaczka znajdzie takie zestawienie, albo nie.
OK, może powinniśmy poczekać, aż napisze, co już ma.

A Ty w ogóle też masz za uszami: dlaczego nie ma Cię na cryptoquote?
edytowany przez mg: 05 lut 2012
Bardzo proszę.
something valuable, such as an amount of money, that is given to someone who succeeds in a competition or game
Example sentence: The honour is currently half a million
A quality that combines respect, being proud, and honesty
Example sentence: We fought for the honour of our country

A piece of art
Example sentence:
an activity, such as a job, which a person uses physical or mental effort to do, usually for money
Example sentence: I've got so much work to do.

A particular company
Example sentence: Magda has opened a telephone company
The activity of buying and selling goods and services
Example sentence: Are you here on business or pleasure, sir?

A piece of equipment which produces light, such as a lamp or a light bulb
Example sentence: She could see the city lights in the distance.
The brightness that comes from the sun, fire, etc. and from electrical devices, and that allows things to be seen
Example sentence: Light was streaming in through the open door.

Slice of bread made warm, crisp
Example sentence: I can make tea and toast

Example sentence: I would like to make a toast for my sister.

The way of life in general
Example sentence: She experienced a culture shock after moving to London
Beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time
Example sentence: I'd like to learn about different cultures.

something which you are given, without asking for it, on a special occasion, especially to show friendship, or to say thank you.
Example sentence: They gave me theatre tickets as a present.
Of the current time
Example sentence: Do you have his present address?


Something which has never been made before
Example sentence: The world changed rapidly after the invention of the telephone.
The process of creating something which has never been made before
Example sentence: A most amazing invention

To receive or become conscious of a sound using your ears
Example sentence Suddenly, she heard a voice outside
An official meeting that is held to collect the facts about an event or problem.
Example sentence The preliminary hearing is on Monday

An empty area which is available to be used
Example sentence: There's no room left in the car.
A part of the inside of a building that is separated from other parts by walls, floor and ceiling
Example sentence: How many rooms does this house have?

To już oczywiście po dołączeniu waszych przykładów, bardzo dziękuję za pomoc
@sweet avenue Czy troszeczkę Ci się nie pokićkały rzeczowniki, czasowniki i przymiotniki?
@mg Jakoś nie czułam ostatnio zewu. Ale skoro jestem potrzebna :D
ale cos widze, ze z HEAR ci sie troszke porypalo
Sense for reception sound waves
Example sentence His mind still seemed clear and his hearing was excellent

An official meeting that is held to collect the facts about an event or problem.
Example sentence The preliminary hearing is on Monday
Teraz jest dobrze? :) Tylko to pomieszałam, czy ktoś widzi jeszcze jakieś błędy?
cos z BUSINESS tez sie nie zgadza
ale mialas tez 'difficulty' i inne. Mozesz zrobiz z 'sorrow'
Mozesz nawet zrobic z ' sensitivity'.
CULTURE and PRESENT jeszcze nie jest do konca jasne
no i z tym TOAST tez jakos tego nie widze - toast to nie jest abstract noun :(
Jedno znaczenie jest business jako firma a drugie jako biznes- interesy, niestety nie wiem co może się nie zgadzać? Ogólnie chodzi o to znaczenie? Czy coś w zdaniach? Coś z pisownią? Bo nie wiem na co zwrócić uwagę
w BUSINESS, nie ma przykladowego zdania z policzalnym BUSINESS
w CULTURE i PRESENT, masz CULTURE i PRESENT uzyte jako rzeczowniki w przydawce, a to raczej maja byc same rzeczowniki
when something is not easy to do or understand
Example sentence: We finished the job, but only with great difficulty.

a problem
Example sentence: to have financial/personal difficulties

something that is an excellent example of its type
Example sentence: Your roses are beauties this year.

the quality of being pleasing, especially to look at
Example sentence: The beauty of this plan (= what makes it good) is that it won't cost too much.

Może być zamiast culture i present? :)
daj daj juz, ile bedziesz z tym siedziala
ok, jeszcze raz bardzo dziękuję za pomoc i cierpliwość ;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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