Complete CAE, unit 1

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy może mi to ktoś sprawdzić? Niestety nie mam do tego odpowiedzi. Z góry bardzo dziękuję :)

As Anne drove west, she (1) felt (feel)
almost as though she were driving in a dream. But as though
she (2) got (get) closer to home, there
was an excitement she (3) hadn't experienced (not
experience) for years. She (4) had been living (live)
abroad for so long that she (5) forgot (forget)
what it was like to feel that you really belonged
somewhere. Her family were there, in her village, and
they (6) were waiting (wait) for her. As she
(7) was coming (come) over the hill, the view
(8) was (be) the same as it
(9) always had been (always I be). She noticed
a young man who (10) was walking (walk)
purposefully towards the centre of the village. As the
car drew near, he (11) turned (turn) and
(12) nodded (nod) as people do in this part
of the world. She (13) didn't realize (not realise)
until then that it was Niall, a boy she
(14) was babysitting (babysit) many times when she
was a teenager. So not everything
(15) stayed (stay) the same. Anne herself
(16) had also changed (also I change) of course. The
night before, she (17) stayed (stay) in a
hotel in Dublin and the receptionist
(18) asked (ask) her
'(19) Have you been (you I be) to Ireland before?'
But what could she expect when her accent
(20) had almost dissapear (almost I disappear)?
w drugim wierszu jest 'as though'?
5 past perfect
9 szyk
14 past perfect
15 tez
20 czasownik z koncowka
1. My school team won the regional championship five times.
2. My school team has won the regional championship five times since 1997.

Z którego zdania wynika, że ta drużyna może jeszcze raz wygrać mistrzostwa wg mówiącego?
Z drugiego.
Oh, nie, przepraszam. W drugim wierszu nie ma as though, niepotrzebnie to wpisałam.
1. Wasn't there a factory on this site until a few years ago?
2. My father has worked in different countries so I've been to lots of different schools.

Czy w tych zdaniach możliwe jest użycie frazy used to?
Cytat: MissBlair
Czy w tych zdaniach możliwe jest użycie frazy used to?

a Tobie jak się wydaje?
Myślę, że nie. Jeśli chodzi o pierwsze zdanie, to jakoś mi to nie brzmi dobrze, ale nie jestem pewna co do tego. Jeśli chodzi o drugie, to skoro jest użyty czas present perfect, to ma to jakieś odniesienie do teraźniejszości, więc też nie możemy wstawić used to, tak?
w 1 mozna 'didn't there use to be...'
w 2 dobrze myslisz. Chodzi o to, ze mowca jeszcze nie skoczyl edukacji szkolnej.
OK, dzięki!
W zdaniu: Were you used to work under pressure in your old job? jest błąd.
Powinno być: Did you use to work under...?
tak, bo 'were you used' = czy byles wykorzystywany do...
na pewno past p. w #14?
uszedlby simple past, bo kazdy sie zorientuje, ze to mialo miejsce wczesniej, ale czemu nie pperf?
because of "when I was a teenager" /?/ I could be wrong though :)
edytowany przez fui_eu: 18 lut 2012
pierwsz przyklad jest chyba bledny, drugi to mowa zalezna, ale trzeci i czwarty sa podobne do zdania w tym tekscie. Past perfect jest ok.
Dunno what I'm lookin' for under that link.
I thought that by saying "when I was a teenager" we're specifying the time which in turn calls for past simple /or used to/.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 18 lut 2012
'used to' is not possible because of 'many times'
Cytat: fui_eu
Dunno what I'm lookin' for under that link.

Past perfect followed by when+simple past clause
I concede.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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