Zadania z czasów PPC i PPS i nie tylko

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Te zadania są do zobaczenia tutaj:*c4*99zyk+angielski/Matura+Explorer/Matura+Explorer+Upper+Intermediate/Testy+po+modu*c5*82ach/Module+1,1347613108.pdf

Zadanie 3.
1. are you doing
2. have been living
3. always ask
4. have decided
5. have worked
Zadanie 4.
1. the
2. a
3. -
4. the
Zadanie 5.
1. stage
2. cast
3. audition
4. gig
5. venue
6. portrait
7. sketch
8. landscape
9. comedian
10. musician
Zadanie 6.
1. it appeals to me
2. it isn't really mi thing
3. I am a big fan of Kings od Leon
4. I am in the right mood
5. it reminds me of my old boyfriend
Zadanie 7.
1. A - other
2. D - visual
3. B - participant
4. B/D - looking/to be seen (??)
5. which

Zadanie 8.
1. After we have had a hard day's work or have eaten a big meal.
2. They feel embarassed because they have failed to paricipate correctly as a participant of the audience
3. Yes, because he claims that performance needs the participation performer and its audience to be succesfull.
4. The play Lullaby lasts 90 minutes.

Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie, bardzo mi na tym zależy.


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