która z dwóch form jest prawidłowa?

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Które zdanie jest prawidłowe?

1. release graphics out of a drawer
2. release from a drawer
Z góry dziękuję za pomoc?

A co to ma znaczyć? Wyjąć rysunki z szuflady?
Release tu nie pasuje. Jeśli chodzi Ci o ,,wyjąć rysunki" to użyj take/pull out.

release nie kolokuje z out of..[Oxford Collocations dictionary] release from więc jest ok.

edytowany przez grudziu: 13 mar 2012
release from więc jest ok.

Ale nie w tym kontekscie.
chodzi o uwolnienie rysunków/grafik
Kontekst jest taki że ludzie czasem tworzą do szuflady, a teraz najwyższy czas je "uwolnić" czyli pokazać światu
You might be looking for: shelve /unshelve/ chociaz nie wiem czy w BrE jest uzywane.
release jest niepoprawne. Nie mozna release something out of a drawer. Poszukaj inne slowo.
....Dust them off and show them to the world.
Nie możesz tłumaczyć dosłownie coś co ładnie brzmi po polsku na angielski czy inny język.
Cytat: arturolczykowski
release from więc jest ok.

Ale nie w tym kontekscie.

No przecież mówiłem, że release tu nie pasuję, więc ?
release from mówiłem o kolokacji.
Cytat: jane_austen
chodzi o uwolnienie rysunków/grafik
Kontekst jest taki że ludzie czasem tworzą do szuflady, a teraz najwyższy czas je "uwolnić" czyli pokazać światu

,,Uwolnić" w tym sensie oznaczałoby ,,wyzwolić" -->sztuki wyzwolone. dlatego ''release" zostało użyte. Tu chodzi o filozoficzny sens, nie zdroworozsądkowy, z tego, co jest napisane, po tym Twoim ''uwolnić".
"release" your works of art by <<dusting them off and showing to the world>>.
edytowany przez grudziu: 13 mar 2012
Cytat: grudziu
"release" your works of art by <<dusting them off and showing to the world>>.

grudziu, grudziu...No offence but that just sounds so Polish. If anything try: Dust them off and release them for the world to see.
Cytat: lexass
Cytat: grudziu
"release" your works of art by &lt;&lt;dusting them off and showing to the world&gt;&gt;.

grudziu, grudziu...No offence but that just sounds so Polish. If anything try: Dust them off and release them for the world to see.

that depends on what the level of English the learner considered is.

you even may put it into a literary style...

Cytat: grudziu
that depends on what the level of English the learner considered is.

Err...avoid making your post #13..you'll make less mistakes ;)
So....what you're saing is that the low level of knowledge/comprehension/etc of a learner precludes you from giving the best answer possible?...Interesting concept.
edytowany przez lexass: 13 mar 2012
pour your thoughts/ideas?
Unless #13 is ‘the curious case of Mandarin syntax’ coming straight from the trenches?
A half-dead dehydrated camel in a desert would laugh its rump off at such ‘conundrum’.:)

hey, grudziu - that was a nice try at phrasing what you meant to say :D (referring to post # 13)
Cytat: lexass
Cytat: grudziu
that depends on what the level of English the learner considered is.

Err...avoid making your post #13..you'll make less mistakes ;)
So....what you're saing is that the low level of knowledge/comprehension/etc of a learner precludes you from giving the best answer possible?...Interesting concept.

i didn't say like that, so what are you getting at, bod? don't distort what I wrote...

Cytat: savagerhino
Unless #13 is ‘the curious case of Mandarin syntax’ coming straight from the trenches?
A half-dead dehydrated camel in a desert would laugh its rump off at such ‘conundrum’.:)

writing by means of metaphors is your cup of tea, for sure. I'II pull the chill on you, then.
Cytat: lexass
Cytat: grudziu
that depends on what the level of English the learner considered is.

Err...avoid making your post #13..you'll make less mistakes ;)
So....what you're saing is that the low level of knowledge/comprehension/etc of a learner precludes you from giving the best answer possible?...Interesting concept.

errr.... the best possible answer....would be better according to my Mandarin.
Maybe that’s because I’m too 'stoopid' to put it plain and simple for all to see. Actually, I don’t drink tea. I’m a coffee-cooler.
Does it really matter you don't drink tea? i can't see any relation to what was said.
coffee-cooler? Me and all.
With you, it’s no dullsville here, no buts about it. Keep it up. Don’t change.
Cytat: savagerhino
With you, it’s no dullsville here, no buts about it. Keep it up. Don’t change.

you may have quite fond of an American English. You're using lots of typical American phrases, which for more than one Briton could be difficult to understand. don't mean that this depreciates you, not!
edytowany przez grudziu: 13 mar 2012
Cytat: grudziu
errr.... the best possible answer....would be better according to my Mandarin.

Gotta admit ....the guy gots balls....:)))
I would go even further, it’s mega-balls.

@our fun-operator :)
No, I’m more interested in the old US gold coins, mostly ‘double sawbucks’, twenties in other words.
Sadly for you, it's no end of funny turns of phrase with you here.

and 'possible' can be post-positive. Ask a prof to-morrow.

Just tone down a tad, would u? I guess many here share a preference for subtler means of driving it home with clinical cases of 'LAD-specific decerebration', as you, hopefully, might phrase it yourself in your inimitable style.
tribal elders is to settle accounts with each one making mistakes:)
yes, elders is, isn't them?
Cytat: mg
Sadly for you, it's no end of funny turns of phrase with you here.

and 'possible' can be post-positive. Ask a prof to-morrow.

Just tone down a tad, would u? I guess many here share a preference for subtler means of driving it home with clinical cases of 'LAD-specific decerebration', as you, hopefully, might phrase it yourself in your inimitable style.

that's good. I am showing you something you don't know. I made you amazed? That's what I meant to do. I am a good mixer:) hehe.

do you all think I am serious in what i am doing:), not:)

don't take the website as BBC World News.
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