prosze by ktos sprawdzil

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Marta Bogdanowicz was born in 1943 in Gdansk, Poland. Having created the Method of Good Start and a handful of diagnostics tools like Dyslexia Risk Scale she helps people and particularly children to minimize their dyslexia.
Her interests include clinical child psychology, developmental dyslexia, left-handedness and educational therapy. She has created the Method of Good Start, aiming at supporting child development, preparing children for school and promoting early education. She is still working on prevention of school failures. Moreover she is working with left-handed children and with dyslexia. All her observations and conclusions were published in more than 300 articles and books.
All diagnosis she had made and provided enabled parents to help their children in the early age of their lives. Now they can easily examine them and tell if they are in a risk of having dyslexia. The methods, techniques and working tools she have made bring enormous results. They let kids to function properly and reach their life goals.
Personally I respect Mrs. Bogdanowicz because thanks to her my parents have been able to prevent possible problems I could have right now. I am the one who was brought up according to her tips and tasks contained in a book "The Method of Good start". I also underwent the test for primary school year-two pupils which diagnosed my dyslexia.

Jakby mogl ktos sprawdzic... mam problem z czasem w ostatnim akapicie
no prosze
tu nie bedzie duzo roboty
'Having created'(to mi sie wydaje bardzo sztuczne, ja bym to zdanie inaczej napisala) the Method of Good Start and a handful of diagnostics tools like Dyslexia Risk Scale she helps people and particularly children to minimize their dyslexia.
She has created the Method of Good Start, aiming IT at supporting child development, preparing children for school and promoting early education. She is still working on THE prevention of school failures. Moreover she is working with left-handed children and with THE PROBLEM OF dyslexia. All her observations and conclusions 'were' HAVE BEEN published in more than 300 articles and books.
'All diagnosis she had made and provided enabled parents to help their children in the early age of their lives.' (to zdanie jest bardzo dziwne i nawet jego nie rozumiem)
Now 'they' (do kogo 'they' sie odnosi?) can easily examine them and tell if they are in a risk of having dyslexia. The methods, techniques and working tools 'she have' (co to - she-3os.l.poj - she HAS) made bring enormous results. They 'let' ALLOW 'kids' (nie uzywaj tego, lepiej 'children') to function properly and reach their life goals.
Personally I respect Mrs. Bogdanowicz because thanks to her my parents have been able to prevent possible problems I could have HAD right now. I am the one who was brought up according to her tips and tasks contained in 'a' THE book "The Method of Good start".
'kids' (nie uzywaj tego,
Dlaczego nie?
mało formalne
Cytat: fui_eu
'kids' (nie uzywaj tego,
Dlaczego nie?

Terri surely meant that "kids" wasn't compatible with the register. <<Dzieciaki>>
Cytat: grudziu
Cytat: fui_eu
'kids' (nie uzywaj tego,
Dlaczego nie?

Terri surely meant that "kids" wasn't compatible with the register. <<Dzieciaki>>

tak, masz racje grudziu
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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