czy poprawnie napisałęm ten list

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

Hi Michael

How are you? Thank you very much for your gift, I'm fine
How did you know you,i like the ball from Nike.
I see that you have a good memory,some friends would forget.
You have the threat of mathematics,I know of a good coach in England,
a good friend of my dad,do you want give the address.
Things have changed you have left,here always the we played.
A lot has changed , your a trip abroad.
Did you meet interesting people ? How do you live ?
How often meeting do friends with z poland ?

I have so many things to tell you. We have to meet each other. Would you like to visit me and my family at the

weekend? It would be wonderful.

by michael dobrze napisałem teraz list napiszcie
How did you know you,I like the ball of nike. or I like a nike ball. I piszemy z wielkiej litery
How often meeting do friends with[/u] z Poland ? przyjrzyj się temu i zobacz jak tworzy sie pytania
Would you like to visit me and my family at the weekend? zamień kolejność
We need to meet together. mysle, że to ie jest żaden przymus
You have difficulty in mathematic.
I know of a good coach in England.
He's/she's a good friend of my dad.
do you want to get the address.
chyba nadal używałeś translatora.


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