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Mam do apisania artykuł na dowolny temat ... po napisaniu trzeba w nim przełozyc co tlyko sie da na strone bierna (z tym juz sobie poradze) problem jest tylko z poprownoscia tego co dotychczas zostało przemnie napisane. ;]

Baby for sale
Some woman from Konin valued her little doughter for ten thousand euro. She want to sell her baby a couple of german milionaire.
Mather rated baby thought that it will be her transaction of life and great chance for reflection from rock- button. The prority for for mather were money so she sold her recently born doughter german family for fee about ten thousand euro. Mother prapobly did this contemptible thing because she didn't have work and money for keep next child. Baby hit for good knowledgeable and very rich house. Only fatality this family was impossibility to have children. They decided to gought the sixth baby Ms. Barbara. It was help to themselves and poor mather too. ( mialo to pomoc im jak i biednej matce/ mialo to zarowno pomoc im sammy jak i biednej matce dziecka) The end of this venture was little different than they expected.

The local pilice still investigate about trade people and in short time will be present prove ( w ktortkim czasie zostana im przedstawione zarzuty)
Baby for sale
A woman from Konin valued her little daughter for ten thousand euro. She wants to sell her baby a couple of German millionaire.
The mother who rated a baby thought that it will be her transaction of life and a great chance for reflection from rock-bottom. The priority for mother was the money, as she had sold her recently born daughter to German family for about a ten thousand euro fee. She probably did this despicable thing because she didn't have work and money to bring up the next child. Baby was given to well-known and very rich family. The only fate of this family was the impossibility to have children of their own, so that is why they decided take care of the Ms. Barbara’s sixth baby. It was supposed to be a help for themselves and as well as towards the poor mother. However the end of this venture was little different than they expected. The local police is still investigating about the trafficking and in a short time the accusations will be made.

i uwazaj na literowki, bo znalazlam kilka... Powodzenia!
malenkie poprawki
.... valued her little daughter AT ten thousand...
....sell her baby to a German millionaire couple.
.... did this despicable thing because she did not have any work nor the money to bring up ....
... to have children of their own, and that is why they decided to take care of Ms. Barbara's (bez 'the')
This was supposed to help them as well as helping the poor mother.
The local police ARE still investigating the baby trafficking and in a short time accusations will be made.


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