Proszę o sprawdzenie

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I wish my essay would be corrected by somebody :-) I've learnt English for a year so I'm afraid that I made a lot of mistakes...

Dear Susan,
First I would like to thank you for your last letter. I am over the moon that you decided to visit my on holiday. I'm persuaded that we will have a very good time...
I have a horrible information for you. I know I promisted to pick you up from the station but our car was stolen last week. A thief have not been found by the police yet. Because of lack of means of transport you have to get to my house either by bus or by taxi. I encourage you to take the bus as it's quite cheap and comfortalbe. The bus goes to my house below 20 minutes.
How would you like to spend your free time? I offer you the shopping. There is one of the biggest supermarkets in my town next to my house. I bought lately a few new CDs of Madonna so we can listen to her songs. It depends on your interest what we will do.
It's quite hot in Poland on holiday so that's the reason why you mustn't take neither jacker nor sweater with you. You shall have some T-shirts, shorts, trousers, shirts and baseball cap.
I've missed you since you left for England. As soon as you get this letter, call me and say what you think od my planes. I'd like to meet you. I kiss you very strong.

Best wishes,
widzę dwie literówki:

I am over the moon that you decided to visit ME on holiday. me and say what you think of my planes.
I'm persuaded that we
>will have a very good time...

I'm sure that we....

>I know I promisted

A thief have not
>been found by the police yet. Because of lack of means of transport
...has not been caught by...

The bus goes to
>my house below 20 minutes.
The bus takes under 20 minutes to get to my house.

>I offer you the shopping.
I suggest you go shopping.

>>I bought lately a few new CDs
Recently I bought a few...

>It's quite hot in Poland on holiday so that's the reason why you
>mustn't take neither jacker nor sweater with you. You shall have some
>T-shirts, shorts, trousers, shirts and baseball cap.
It's quite hot in Poland during summer so.....a jacket nor a sweater. You should bring......a baseball cap.

> me and say what you think od my planes
Boeings or Airbuses? ;)

>I'd like to meet you. I kiss you very strong.
I'd like to see you again. Lots of hugs and kisses.
Bardzo dziękuję Ewa :):*
Teraz się tak zastanawiam:
I suggest you go shopping
I suggest you to go shopping
Jak Eva napisala?
To juz wiesz, jak ma byc...

"go", bo to zdanie z Present Simple (tak naprawde to moze byc zdanie w tzw. subjunctive, ale nie chce sie wdawac w przydlugie wyjasnienia, a oba zdania wygladaja tak samo)
W kazdym razie suggest uzywa sie inaczej niz np. advise.
suggest (if you're advising someone to do something) cannot be followed by "to". It must be followed by a "that" clause:

I suggest (that) you go shopping. "that" można ominąć.

A w ogóle to zmienilam zdanie, bo to mi brzmi zbyt 'mocno'. Możesz napisać: I recommend shopping.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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