Pare zdan o sobie.

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1-30 z 37
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Mam prośbe, czy moglby ktos sprawdzi poprawnosc tego tekstu i ewentualnie poprawić pewne błędy? Z gory dziekuje za pomoc.

Hi. I’m on the fifth grade of (?:) ) Clinical Psychology (can’t wait to finish this bloody studies) In the back of my mind I see myself sitting in the sircle and introducing myself. Since I remember I hated that part. Not only because it was particularly stressful but also I never knew what to say but this time I do my best. I’m a 23 self-thaught front-end web designer. My first site was designer really long time ago . It was a fanpage (I won’t betray about who because it is way too embarrassing). If you ask me why I started doing it I wouldn’t know. There was no reason It just happened. But all I know is I enjoy every minute of it and want to learn more and more. I think it is desirable as well as important to do in life what you are passionated about and I’m so lucky to have it. I offer: //

To make my projects perfect I use programmes such as: //
sprawdzić - rzecz jasna. Literówka ;)
Cytat: konrad18m
Mam prośbe, czy moglby ktos sprawdzi poprawnosc tego tekstu i ewentualnie poprawić pewne błędy? Z gory dziekuje za pomoc.

Hi. I’m on the fifth grade of IN THE FIFTH YEAR OF (?:) ) Clinical Psychology (I can’t wait to finish this bloody studies) In the back of my mind I see myself sitting in the sircle and introducing myself. Since I remember I'VE ALWAYS hated that part (OF WHAT?). Not only because it was inwersja jak zaczynasz od 'not' particularly stressful but also I never knew BY/THROUGH NOT KNOWING what to say, but this time I'II do my best. Ogolnie nie wiem o co chodzi:). I’m a 23 year-old front-end web designer, WHICH I AM RUNNING ON MY OWN (=self-taught). My first site was designer really (brak czegos) long time ago . It was a fanpage (I won’t betray about whoM because it is way too embarrassing). If you askED me why I started doing it I wouldn’t know REPLY. There was no reason FOR DOING THAT. It just happened. But all I know is THAT I enjoy every minute of it and want to learn more and more. I think it is desirable as well as important to do in life what you are passionated about KEEN ON/INTERESTED IN, and I’m so lucky to have it. I offer: //

To make my projects perfect I use programmes such as: //
not only because it was jest dobrze

in a circle nie in the circle

tam więcej problemów jest, ale na razie niech poprawi to co grudziu podał, potem można będzie dalej poprawiać
way too embarrassing jest ok
Hi. I’m in the fifth year of Clinical Psychology (I can’t wait to finish this bloody studies) In the back of my mind I see myself sitting in a circle and introducing myself. Since I remember I've always hated that part of class. Not only because it was particularly stressful but also by not knowing what to say, but this time I'll do my best. (chodzi o to, ze ogolnie nigdy nie wiem co o sobie powiedziec ale teraz i'll do my best ;) ). I’m a 23 year-old front-end web designer, which I'm running on my own . My first site was designer really (?) long time ago . It was a fanpage (I won’t betray about whom because it is way too embarrassing). If you asked me why I started doing it I wouldn’t know reply. There was no reason for doing that. It just happened. But all I know is that I enjoy every minute of it and want to learn more and more. I think it is desirable as well as important to do in life what you are keen on, and I’m so lucky to have it. I offer: //

poprawilem, dzięki. licze na dalsze wskazowki...
My first site was designed really (?) long time ago
Cytat: mg
way too embarrassing jest ok

Wiem. Podkreslilem to, gdyz mozna to napisac jeszcze prosciej.
Z racji, ze dluzej 'siedzisz' w ang, pytanie do Ciebie. Jezeli zaczynamy zdanie od 'not only' to nie powinno tam byc inwersji? pozdrawiam
przyklad z ksiazki dla konstrukcji 'not only' ...but also', uzywanej z inwersja.
"Not only has McDonalds, which employs over 1
million people worldwide, played a huge role in pioneering low standards now equated with the word "McJobs", but it has also decided to restrict our ability to have a public discussion about the impact of the McJobs phenomenon", Naomi Klein, "No Logo: Taking Aim at Brand Bullies" (Toronto: Vintage Canada, 2000)

W/g mnie "Not only" nie wymaga tutaj inwersji bo mamy "Not only because... but also because..." . Błąd polega na braku powtórzenia "because" bez którego ta struktura porównawcza traci sens.

inwersja nie jest potrzebna
argazedon to wyjasnil
'If you asked me why I started doing it I wouldn’t know reply.' Popraw i to. Nie podkreslilem 'know', co moglo Cie zmyslic. Sorry.
Cytat: grudziu
Cytat: mg
way too embarrassing jest ok

Wiem. Podkreslilem to, gdyz mozna to napisac jeszcze prosciej.

czyli jak?
Zamienmy konstrukcje way + too+ adjective (slangowy amerykanizm) na podmiot+ too/much+ adj. it's too/much embarrassing . Po prostu.

Nie. Usunąłeś słowo, które coś znaczyło.
tak jakbyś usunął very.
Hi. I’m in the fifth year of Clinical Psychology (I can’t wait to finish this bloody studies) In the back of my mind I see myself sitting in a circle and introducing myself. Since I remember I've always hated that part of class. Not only because it was particularly stressful but also because by not knowing what to say, but this time I'll do my best. (chodzi o to, ze ogolnie nigdy nie wiem co o sobie powiedziec ale teraz i'll do my best ;) ). I’m a 23 year-old front-end web designer, which I'm running on my own . My first site was designer really (?) long time ago . It was a fanpage (I won’t betray about whom because it's too embarrassing). If you asked me why I started doing it I wouldn’t have known reply (czy tak?). There was no reason for doing that. It just happened. But all I know is that I enjoy every minute of it and want to learn more and more. I think it is desirable as well as important to do in life what you are keen on, and I’m so lucky to have it. I offer: //

Czy już jest dobrze?
prosilbym jednak o przeczytanie tego ponizej ;)

Hi. I’m in the fifth year of Clinical Psychology (I can’t wait to finish this bloody studies) In the back of my mind I see myself sitting in a circle and introducing myself. Since I remember I've always hated that part of class. Not only because it was particularly stressful but also because by not knowing what to say, but this time I'll do my best. I’m a 23 year-old front-end web designer, which I'm running on my own . My first site was designed really long time ago . It was a fanpage (I won’t betray about whom because it's too embarrassing). If you asked me why I started doing it I wouldn’t have known the reply (czy tak?). There was no reason for doing that. It just happened. But all I know is that I enjoy every minute of it and want to learn more and more. I think it is desirable as well as important to do in life what you are keen on, and I’m so lucky to have it. I offer: //

these studies
because of not knowing, because I never know
projektantem, który prowadzę samodzielnie
a really long
nie podoba się 'way'? dlaczego?
nastepne zdanie w II conditional, a na koncu ...what to say
betray? moze DISCLOSE lub REVEAL /przykladowo/
- mg, ja obstawałem przy self-thaught, zostać przy tym?

- If you asked me why I started doing it I wouldn’t know what to say, tak?

-ok, zatem reveal :)

- mg bo ktos tu napisał, ze jest to amerykański angielski, a moim celem jest uk :)

Bardzo dziękuje za wszelką pomoc. Moje ostatnie pytanie: Czy ten tekst po wszystkich Waszych poprawkach bedzie czytelny i zrozumialy dla obcokrajowca? ;)
self-taught jest ok
'in the back ' też jest amerykanskie
jak Ci zalezy na brytyjskim, napisz 'much too embarrassing'
Już widzę, kto dopisal 'which I am running on my own"
znowu go przerosło.
I’m in the 'fifth' (5th) year of Clinical Psychology (ale czego? czytania, robienia, tutaj brakuje slowo STUDIES) (I can’t wait to finish 'this' (tutaj jest potrzebny odpowiednik l. mn) 'bloody' (to jest przeklenstwo i niema zadnego miejsca w listach, opowiadaniach) studies).
In the back of my mind I see myself sitting in a circle (ale czego? tutaj cos brakuje) and introducing myself. (tu cos brakuje) since I remember I've always hated that part of class. Not only because it was particularly stressful (przecinek przed 'but') but also because 'by' (to jest zle slowo) not knowing what to say, but this time I'll do my best.
I’m a 23 year-old front-end web designer, which 'I'm running on my own' (tego nie rozumiem) . My first site was designed really long time ago (np 10, 20, 30 late temu - tutaj trzeba napisac dokladniej) .
If you asked me why I started doing it I wouldn’t have known (tu cos brakuje) 'the' (zle slowo) reply.
I think it is desirable as well as important to do in life what you are keen on, and I’m so lucky to have 'it.' (nie rozumeim do czego to 'it' sie odnosi - nie jest jasno)
Cytat: mg
Już widzę, kto dopisal 'which I am running on my own"
znowu go przerosło.

I'II rephrase the sentence one more time so that I don't hear you mutter sth under your breath.

I’m a 23 year-old front-end web designer, what is more, I am managing a website by myself.
autor napisal 'self-taught', czyli sam sie uczyl projektowania stron. Nie pisal, ze zarzadza jaka witryna.
Dlaczego nie czytasz tak, zeby zrozumiec?
Czytam pobieznie, z powodu braku czasu. Kilka czynnosci naraz na komputerze. Zmylilo mnie 'my first site'. Sorry. Ale jest reszta, ktora 'czuwa' i poprawi.
Nie mozesz robic tylu bledow, jezeli poprawiasz - i potem mowic, ze jestem do Ciebie zle nastawiony.
Pisz rzadzej, ale dokladniej.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 37
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