
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
prosze was bardzo o sprawdzenie,,, nie jestem najlepsza z angielskiego :(:( bede bardzo wdzieczna

1. In my opinion the number this is constantly growing because drugs is easily available. It reaches after it more and more young people, which they want to forget about problems or to impress.
2. Young people to take on drugs, because the want to satisify curriosity and to forget about problems. them approach to life after drugs is very positive, they don't carre about everything.
3. Yes I know. It is me very har bcause I can't her to help. She take soft drugs already for a few years. She has a lot problems in hause, but I think she want to come with peer pressure.
4. The School shuold to ensure the guard checking pupils. The teachers should more to be interest pupils, this waht do in the school grounds.
5. every drug is dangerous and every badly to influence on health, only so much that once strongly and second faintly.
6. Such persons can to help only specialist. Young people can to help oneself across conversation, through to comminicate what it such person threatens and what will be this results with difficulty to reach to someone, for this reason the best help specialist.
7. dealers and trafficker drugs should because severaly punished. Majority dealers seels this legally even children. They don't piont out on's age, for them important is to earn even when sells badly product. because I think this person can do the death penatly.
8. I was once in this situation and I don't know, how to remain, what I have to make.This person at all does not to listen what to her tells, nothing to her doesn;t it reach. She know what is for her the best, She know, that without drugs she can't.She behaviour is very strange. One constantly she is laughs and then crying it wasn't knowded from what reason.
1. In my opinion the number (miało być chyba jeszcze the drug abused) is constantly growing because drugs are easily available. More and more people take drugs as they want to forget about problems or to impress peers with doing so.
2. Young people take drugs, because they are simply curious what it is like they don't care what will be next.
3. Yes, I know. It is very difficult to me as I can't help her. She has been taking soft drugs for several years. She has many problems at home.
4. School should check pupils somehow. Teachers should be more interested in pupils' behaviour.
5. Any drug is dangerous to human health.
6. Persons abused to drugs should be treated by specialists. Young people can help themselves through meeting friends and talking to them.
7. Drug dealers should be severely punished. Most dealers sell drugs even children. They don't care how old they are, they just want to earn as much money as they can.
8. I was once in the situation like that and I didn' know how to react.

PiTi, poprawiłem Ci tylko te zdania, które były w miare zrozumiałe. Co do reszty, nie bardzo wiedziałem o co chodzi...



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