strona bierna

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o sprawdzenie . I jak ktos by mogł napisac jak bedzie brzmaiało zdanie 9,10,11,13

1)The pop star sang a song.
A song was sung by pop star.

2)The chef has made diner.
Diner has been made by the chef.

4)She will look after the baby.
The beby will be looked after by her.

5)The will not take him home.
He will not be taken home by them.

6)Someone left the door open.
The door was left open.

7)She didn't break the window.
The window was not brooken by here.

8)Someone is using the computers.
The computers is being used.

9)His brother taught him to drive.
10)many people spekak Englisch.
11)The doctor told him to go a diet.
12)She is writing a new book.
A new book is being wrote by here.

13)The make breade in this factory.
14)Susan will decorate the bedroom.
The bedroom will be decorate by susan.

15)Tom is drawing a picture now.
A picture is being drawn by tom.
16Capitan Cook discovered Australia.
Australia was dicovered by capitan Cook


Pomoc językowa


Business English