help na koło :]

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Kilka transformacji i tłumaczeń mółgby mi ktos pomóc będe dźwięczna :D sparwdzic bo nie jestem pewna i uzupełnić luczki :D

It is said that the car was constructed by Mr.Johnson
The car is said _____________________________.

After I stopped playing, John started singing.
No sooner I had stopped playing John started singing.

Peter has never seen that film before.
It was the first time Peter saw that film.

I appreciate your support to my plan.
It was very thougthful of you to support my plan.

"I had no intension of writing this essay for you"said Martha.
Martha told me that she had had no intension of writing that essay for me.

Have they written to you lately?
Have you ________________ ?

The government has been doing little to help the unemployed.
Little has been done by the government to help the unemployed.

i tłumaczonka:
To fotografia Marka (przedstawia go).
This is a picture of Marek.

Wyniki tych badań będa opublikowane w następnym tygodniu.
The results of those research will be published on the next week.

Kler jest bardzo niepopularny w dzisiejszych czasch.
Nowadays Kler is _____________________.(very unpopular??)

W gazetach piszą że będzie wojna.
It is written in the newspapers, that it will be war.

Rzeka Tamiza płynie przez Londyn.
The Thames River is _____through the London.

Nakarmiłem psa zaaraz po przyjściu z pracy.
I have fed the dog straight after work.
baaaaaaaaaaardzo baaaaardzo prosze ...........
Skoro tak prosisz...

It is said that the car was constructed by Mr.Johnson
The car is said to be constructed by Mr Johnson.

After I stopped playing, John started singing.
Asoon as I stopped playing, John started singing.

Peter has never seen that film before.
It is the first time Peter sees that film.

I appreciate your support to my plan.
It is very kind of you to support my plan.

"I had no intension of writing this essay for you", said Martha.
Martha said that she had had no intension of writing that essay for me.

Have they written to you lately?
Have you ________________ ?

The government has been doing little to help the unemployed.
Little has been done by the government to help the unemployed.

i tłumaczonka:
To fotografia Marka (przedstawia go).
This is a picture of Marek.

Wyniki tych badań będa opublikowane w następnym tygodniu.
The results of those research will be published next week.

Kler jest bardzo niepopularny w dzisiejszych czasach.
Nowadays clergy is very unpopular.

W gazetach piszą że będzie wojna.
Newspapers say a war is going to break out.

Rzeka Tamiza płynie przez Londyn.
The Thames river flows through London.

Nakarmiłem psa zaraz po przyjściu z pracy.
I fed the dog as soon as I got back home from work.
Uzupełnienie poprzedniej odpowiedzi:

Powinno być oczywiście:

After I stopped playing, John started singing.
AS SOON as I stopped playing, John started singing. (czasami za szybko piszę...)

Może być również

I appreciate your support to my plan.
It is very appreciated you support my plan (ale wtedy jest bardziej bezosobowo)

Have they written to you lately?
Have you been written to lately?
no baaardzo dziękuje jednak są porządni ludzie na tym świecie.... :P
mam tylko kilka uwag

w tym zdaniu :
After I stopped playing, John started singing.
No sooner________________________.
te zdanie musi sie tak zaczynać

tak samo w tym:
I appreciate your support to my plan.
It was ___________________________.

a w tym może jednak :
Wyniki tych badań będa opublikowane w następnym tygodniu.
The results of those researches will be published next week.

It is said that the car was constructed by Mr.Johnson
The car is said to be constructed by Mr Johnson. - tak napisałam ale babka nie zaliczyła okazało sie że jest źle więc już sama nie wiem :|

ale za pozostałe wielkie dzięki ;]
tak na marginesie nie znasz/znacie jakieś strony na której sa transformacje żeby sobie poćwiczyć??


CAE - sesja zimowa 2005