Giving advice and recommendations - czy dobrze napisałem ten dialog?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

czy dobrze napisałem ten dialog?

IO: Good moring. Can I help you?
You: Yes, we're visiting Dębica for a couple of days and we were wonderning what to see?
IO: I can certainly help you with that. Here's a leaflet. You should visit the high school named Jagiełło. This school has more then 100 years.
You:What else can you recommend?
IO:You can visit the museum in Dębica
You: What is there?
IO: Eg. Tanks and guns
You:That sounds good. Are there any festival or carnival on at the moment?
IO: The Dębica Days is begining. What else are you interested in? /Impresa „Dni Dębicy Zaczynają się)- tego najbardziej nie wiem czy dobrze
You: We'd like to do some shopping.
IO: You ought to go to Manhatan, this is the main shopping street.
You: Great!Thanks very much!

edytowany przez orderandid: 21 paź 2012
we're visiting Dębica for a couple of days - we're visiting Dębica (at the moment), ale: we came to visit (for a couple of days),

school has more then 100 years - polish-english,

The Dębica Days is begining -
Ja bym zostawil drugie zdanie jak jest.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 21 paź 2012
Czyli jak powininem napisac?
drugie zdanie jest jak najbardziej ok - We're visiting Debica for a couple of days = wyrazanie zamiaru spedzenia czasu w Debicy przez najblizsze dwa dni
ortografia: wondering, beginning, może jeszcze inne...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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