sprawdzenie tekstu- crime

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
A criminal act is an act committed by a person against the existing law. Nowadays there are a lot of kinds of crime all over the world, but they are punished in the different way in every country.
In the past few years the number of the following criminal acts in Poland have decreased like: shoplifting is the crime when somebody steals something from a shop pretending doing shopping. The person may be sentenced even up to ten years. This crime happened in big markets, Robbery connected with violence is the situation when somebody attacked another person to achieve some financial benefits or other advantages, or car theft.
However the number of homicides increased. In the recent years the police manages to detect a greater number of drug and economical related crimes.
However the overall number of crimes is increasing. This is mainly due to the fact that more people drink and drive.
I think that punishes in Poland aren't adequate for crimes. The best way to prevent criminal acts is to decrease unemployment. Teaching the young to differentiate between good and bad will definitely also help.
A criminal act is an act committed by a person against (tutaj brakuje pare slow) the existing law. Nowadays there are 'a lot of ' (to jest za bardzo dziecinne w tak powaznym pismie) kinds of crime all over the world, but they are punished in 'the' (ciekawe, ale zle) different way in every country.
In the past few years the number of the following criminal acts in Poland have decreased 'like' (calkowicie nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa w tym sensie): shoplifting is 'the' (zle) crime when somebody steals something from a shop pretending (brakuje 2 slowa) doing shopping. The person may be sentenced even up to ten years. This crime 'happened' (zler) in big markets, Robbery connected with violence is the situation when somebody 'attacked' (zle) another person to achieve some financial benefits or other advantages, or (cos brak) car theft. (ale, theft jest theft, a robberry jest robbery)
However the number of homicides (cos brak) increased. In 'the' (zle) recent years the police 'manages' (zle) to detect a greater number of drug and economical related crimes.
I think that 'punishes' (zle) in Poland 'aren't' (nie uzywaj tego dziwactwa, napisz to tak jak ma byc) adequate for (cos brak) crimes.


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