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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Compare the things in the sentensces. Use much/ far/ a lot, or a bit/ a little.
a) watching/ reading a book (interesting/ easy)
I thing watching TV is far more intersting than reading a book.
b) a computer/ mobile phone (expensie/ useful)
c)boys/ girls (intelligent/ tidy)
d) English/ History (difficult/ easy)
e) my father/ my mother (young/ tall)
f) The Atlantic ocean/ the Pacific ocean (deep/ big)
Complete the second sentence soitmeans the same as the first.
a.Sarah's brother is younger than Sarah. Sarah brother isn't as old as Sarah.
b. Peter's messier than his sister. Peter isn't .................... his sister.
c. Travelling by train is often faster than travelling by bus. Travelling by train isn't ....................... travelling by bus.
d. My dog is much noisier than my cat. My dog isn't .................... my cat.
e. Jo thinks English is easier than French. Jo thinks English isn't................. French.
f. Forme, reaind is mre interesting than watching TV. For me watching TV ...................... reading.
zapomniales wpisac wlasne odpowiedzi
Obojetnie jak ktoś to zrobi :) Wazne żeby było dobrze
nikt powazny nie bedzie sie wysilal bardziej niz Ty
Drugie cwiczenie jest latwe. Czemu nie sprobujesz?
Cytat: Shizukachan14
Obojetnie jak ktoś to zrobi :) Wazne żeby było dobrze

Obojetnie? Nie, gdyz ma byc dobrze, a to nie jest obojetnie.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.