chciałąm spisać rodzinną historię w paru językach i zrobić kronikę - czy ogę prosić o poprawienie błędów - ewentualnie zastosowanie ładniejszego - bardziej dostojnego słownictwa ?
The xxx Family had 6 members. We should start with parents - so, Mother - Maria xxx (maiden name -xxx) was born in xxx (Poland) at 12th January xxxx. She was the daughter of Agnieszka xxxx (maiden name - xxx) and Błażej xxx. Maria was working as a teacher in primary school for long, long time. At XXth January she get married to Władysław xxx and they had 4 children. Now she is retired. She enjoys her life playing with grandchildrends and gardening. All the time she is travelling between Poland and Canada because there are living her grandchildren.
Father name was Władysław xxx and he was born at 15th December xxx in xxx - a small village next to xxxxl city. As a young man he was helping his parents - Antonina xxx (maiden XXX) and Błażej xxx at their farm. After that he started to work in XXX. He was a lovely grandpa which was taking me for fishing, we also watched a lot of television nature programs. But in his life there come time when the doctor diagnosed - cancer. He went to the Lord God at xxth December 2002.
After the marriage they moved to Marias parents flat which was situated at xxx Street 4/4 in xxx. They had 4 children. Aneta born in 1966, Renata born in 1969, Małgorzata born in 1974 and Damian born in 1969. More about their children you can read at their own pages.