sprawdzenie.i wytłumaczenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
czasowniki reach/not eat/ leave/hear/need/hate/brreak/enter/pay/spend/notice/hold/drive/have/wait
it was already quite late when Derek was driving back home
from work. He was tired and hungry after he had
a particularly tough day in the office. Then his mobile rang. Just
as he reached out to answer it he noticed a police patrol
on the side of the highway. 'No way!' he thought angrily,
'I paid two fines this month already!' After a moment the
phone went silent. It took him over half an hour to get home.
'I will leave the car outside tonight,' he decided as he
remembered that the garage door had broken down again the
day before. ' They're already asleep,' he concluded looking at
the dark windows of his semi. 'I just hope Janet had been waiting too
long for me before she went to bed.' He quietly sneaked into the house. He first made it for the kitchen. 'I'm starving,' he
thought, 'Cod, I didn't eat anything since breakfast!' A few
minutes later he needed a plate of food and a mug of
coffee. 'I supper in the living room,' he decided.
'Well, Janet hate it when I do that, but she's asleep,
anyway' he excused himself quickly. . For some reason the
living room door was shut and he (nie jestem pewny, prosiłbym o podanie polskiego odpowiednika to push it open. he i tu tez hardly no i tu :)the room when he heard a loud noise which sounded like a gunshot
Mysle ze: ..... Janet NIE czekala zbyt dlugo zanim poszla spac.

spedzilem ( past perfect)
siegal ( past progressive)
zaplacilem juz ..( present perfect)
nie jadlem (present perfect)
juz trzymal ( past progressive)
and he needed - tutaj .. i musial ...

>>he i tu tez hardly no i tu :)the room
past perfect
edytowany przez savagerhino: 16 lis 2012
Nie bedzie: drzwi od garazu sie zepsuly w innym czasie?
tu w czwiczeniu niech da past perfect, normalnie mozna past z powodu 'the day before

it was already quite late when Derek was driving back home
from work. He was tired and hungry after he had spent
a particularly tough day in the office. Then his mobile rang. Just
as hewas reaching out to answer it he noticed a police patrol
on the side of the highway. 'No way!' he thought angrily,
'I have paid two fines this month already!' After a moment the
phone went silent. It took him over half an hour to get home.
'I will leave the car outside tonight,' he decided as he
remembered that the garage door had broken down again the
day before. ' They're already asleep,' he concluded looking at
the dark windows of his semi. 'I just hope Janet hadn't been waiting too
long for me before she went to bed.' He quietly sneaked into the house. He first made it for the kitchen. 'I'm starving,' he
thought, 'Cod, I haven't eat anything since breakfast!' A few
minutes later he was holding a plate of food and a mug of
coffee. 'I will be having( w sensie bede jadł?) supper in the living room,' he decided.
'Well, Janet hates it when I do that, but she's asleep,
anyway' he excused himself quickly. . For some reason the
living room door was shut and he neededto push it open. he didn't hardly enter:)the room when he heard a loud noise which sounded like a gunshot

nie jadlem (present perfect) tu też tak myślałem ze względu na since
I have paid two fines this month already ze względu na already
was hardly entering* chyba tak powinno byc
haven't eatEN
>I will be having( w sensie bede jadł?) - future simple ma byc, tego wczesnie nie bylo
> he didn't hardly enter:)the room - napisalem jaki czas tu, past perfect, dlaczego dajesz simple past?
edytowany przez savagerhino: 17 lis 2012
ok had entered

a to I will be having jest ok?
had entered
a to I will be having jest dobrze?
will have
Cytat: ethan123
had entered

nie zapomnij o hardly - had hardly entered
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

