Rozmowa wstępna

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Szukałem nigdzie nie mogłem znaleźć odpowiedzi na pytania wstępne rozmowy ustnej, dlatego postawnowiłem, napisać post. Proszę w miarę możliwość o opdowiedzi przykładowe do podanych niżej pytań. Może nie tyle odpowiedzi co schematy odpowiedzi. Mogę zająć się opracowanie i opublikowanie postu, żeby słyżył innym.
What is your best friend like?
Which is more important for you in your partner, appearance or personality?
What do you look for in a friend?
What kind of clothes do you like wearing on special occasions?
What household chores do you usually do at home?
Would you like to live in the city or in the country?
What would you like to change in your room and why?
What kind of flatmate would you like to share a flat with?
What is your favourite subject at school and why?
How do you usually prepare for tests and exams?
What do you do to relax before tests and exams?
What would you like to do when you pass all your exams?
What is your dream job for the future?
Which is more important for you, a great career or a great personal life?
Would you like to work part-time as a university student and why?
What kind of boss would you make?
What is your favourite family celebration?
What do you enjoy about being a young person?
Who is your closest relative and why?
What are you hobbies and interests?
What kind of food you couldn't live without and why?
What would you like to change about your diet?
How often do you eat out and why?
What is your favourite café, bar or restaurant and why?
How often do you shop online and why?
What kind of shops do you visit most often and why?
Would you like to work as a shop assistant and why?
Which do you prefer, shopping centres or supermarkets, and why?
What s your ideal holiday destination and why?
How do you prefer to spend your holiday, on your own or with other people?
Which do you prefer, planning your holiday in advance or just going and having fun ?
What is your favourite holiday accommodation and why?
Which do you prefer, watching films at the cinema or on DVD and why?
What kind of music/books/films/art do you enjoy most and why?
How often do you visit museums and art galleries and why?
How often do you watch the news on TV and why?
What are your favourite sports to watch/practice?
What sporting event would you like to win a ticket for and why?
Which sports celebrity do you admire most and why?
Would you like to take part in the Olympic Games and why?
How do you keep fit?
What do you do to reduce stress in your life? How often and when do you visit a doctor?
What bad habits would you like to give up?
How do you usually use your mobile phoneAhe Internet?
Which contemporary invention is your number one and why?
How often and when do you use modern technology to study/do the housework?
What sort of gadgets you could't live without and why?
What do you do to be eco-friendly?
What's your favourite animal and why?
What's your favourite holiday weather and why?
What natural disasters are you most afraid of and why?
What kind of crime do you find the most dangerous and why?
What do you think about cheating in exams?
Would you like to stand for elections and why?
Which politician do you admire in particular and why?
Would you like to live in London/New York and why?
Would you like to spend Christmas in the UK?
Which English-speaking country would you like to visit and why?
Which British/American customs and traditions do you find interesting and why?