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Bardz mi zalezy by ktos to sprawdzil.. to jest wspominany juz w inym posnie cover letter... Prosez sprawdzcie mi to... bo ja sobie nie daje rady...PROSZE

To admission committee

I would like to thank you for choosing me as a one of six people who were given a chance to get that scholarship. I would kindly appreciate it, if you agreed to consider my application.
I started studying English in 1996 and I fell in love with that beautiful language. I used to attend to private classes because I wanted to develop my skills in that language . Two years of studies in college in Wałcz gave me required knowledge which will help me to be successful teacher in the nearest future. I have experience in teaching students. For many years I have taught children English and they have appreciated my work. During my studies I had to complete practices in the local grammar school and at that time I was able to reveal exactly who I would like to be.
In my opinion that would be great opportunity which is not going to happen to me again. I would love to get to know to the different educational systems and new teaching styles. The knowledge which can be found in the books will never show me how it look like. This is experience wchich will stay with me forever. Every country has its culture, traditions and attending to the everyday life of the community of particular country will let me adjust to their surrounding. I may become much tolerant to different nations. This scholarship may show me different world which I will not be able to see without that.
What is more, I was always interested in travelling and meeting people. I am outgoing and sociable person. I know that I will make new friends. I suppose that I will be able to
I am sure that I would cope with representing our college in the foreign country and I will not disappoint you. I hope that scholarship will help me improve my language skills and I will be helpful for the people who I will be working with. I hope that my request will be concidered with the positive result.

Za wszelkie uwagi Thank U from The mountain!!!:))))


Pomoc językowa


CAE - sesja zimowa 2005