CAE assignment - please check it.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Put one word in each space.

(the words I inserted are highlighted). Please give feedback.

Animals of the future

The idea of trying to imagine (0) what sort of animals will be living on our planet in thousands (1) if not millions of years seems at (2) first sight to be futile. Can we possibly imagine what's in store so (3) far in the future? The team of scientists (4) that/which work on the question is to be published soon, all (5) the same, applied a great (6) deal more than guesswork (7) on the task.

Each of them, specialising (8) in a different scientific discipline, has used understanding of the past to figure (9) out all the environments that may be available to future life forms. By studying past ice ages and climates, they have deduced the (10) formula /law/rule (think the first one fits here most; uncertain about the two others) in which weather patterns will, in all probability, affect different areas of the globe. From their study of past evolution, they claim they can predict (11) what life will adapt to fit the new ecological conditions (12) brought about by these changes. Because there is a series of rules governing evolution in the past, it requires no great leap of faith to look in the other direction. The result is a collection of very-wierd looking creatures. (13) Although the scientists admit they may be wrong, they say it is the (14) thing/idea they can come up with, based on what they know, with just a little imagination thrown in for really (15) good measure.

please check this out. Many thanks.
11. Wpisałabym "how"
14. most (ale nie jestem pewna)
14. conclusion /?/
Arraya, Fui@ I'm indebted to you.
Ad 4. team of scientists whose work on the question is to be published soon.
edytowany przez argazedon: 21 gru 2012
Cytat: argazedon
Ad 4. team of scientists whose work on the question is to be published soon.

Gutted! I should have known the answer. It looked fantastic with beer goggles on. Normally. I don't have a beef with it. I think my mind wants rest, I've been grafting all the time.

good night
10 way
Jakos deduced the way w 10 nie pasuje mi.
a mnie nie pasowało "formula/law/rule IN which"
nonetheless, these are common scientific phrases. Moze przez to 'in which'?
Fui, chyba chodzi o to, ze nie mozna wydedukowac sposobu, w google nie wyskakuje taka fraza.
nie wyskakuje 'deduced the way"?
Moze jakby bylo A a nie THE, bylbym bardziej przychylny.
W 10. dałbym "model" tak jak w wyrażeniu :
a w 14. dałbym "theory" lub "prediction".
edytowany przez argazedon: 21 gru 2012
imho 7) to 10)way 11)how 14)best
edytowany przez Bednar87: 22 gru 2012
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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