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My ideal school is near the lake. It's a day school for boys and girls. Once a month students go to a trip and once a week students go to the cinema. In the class there are maximally twenty students. The school has got gymnasium, swimming pool and tennis courts. There aren't uniforms. Lessons start at 9 o'clock and end at 2 o'clock. There aren't homeworks. Students learn tradicional subject such as maths,biology, geography. Additionally there are three languages to learn : Chinese, Italian, Spanish. There are short break between lessons and a longer break at lunchtime. School pay for students books and equipment. The school has got after school clubs for drama and dancing.
The school has got A gymnasium, A swimming pool and A tennis courts. There aren't uniforms.- Napisz ze uczniowie nie nosza mundurkow w czasie present simple. There aren't homeworks.- to samo tutaj, nauczyciele nie zadaja prac domowych. Students learn tradicional subjectS such as maths,biology, geography. There are short breakS........... between lessons and a longer break at lunchtime. School payS for students books and equipment. ..... clubs for drama and dance.
Cytat: kasica87p
... and tennis courts.
edytowany przez kasica87p: 10 sty 2013


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