Passive voice

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Ex. Rewrite this sentences. Use the given words.

1. John grew up in his grandparents' home.(brought)
John was brought up in the house of his grandparents. (correct or not?)
2.Their books have full colour illustrations.(are)
Illustartions in their books are in full colour. ( correct?)
3. There are no more tickets available.(been)
All the tickets have been sold out.( correct?)
4. He has to approve of every decision.(are)
No decisions .... without his approval. ( I don't know:()
5. Who is to blame for the accident? (caused)
Who was caused the accident by? (correct?)
6. They plan to finish renovating the hotel before the tourists season.(have)
By the time the tourist season begins the hotel will have been renovated. (??)

Thank U:)
3 remove 'all' or 'out'
too much of a good thing
4 są zatwierdzane/uchwalane
5 podmiot w zlym miejscu w pytanie, a w ogole po co strona bierna?

pozost ok
Zadanie jest z działu passive voice, dlatego strona bierna. Dziękuję za pomoc. A jeśli chodzi o 4 to zatwierdzać to approve, prawda? Mam napisać :No decisions are approved without his approval.?? To nie bez sensu?
Cytat: lena0088
Zadanie jest z działu passive voice, dlatego strona bierna.

w takim razie w 2 brakuje czasownika

są inne slowa niz approve. są slowniki kolokacji.
Wejdz np na cambridge i zobacz jaki czasownik lepiej pasuje do decision.
4. No decisions are made without his approval. ?
niech będzie, ale myslałem o adopted/passed
Dziękuje za wszelką pomoc :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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