Prosba, list nieformalny.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy moglby ktos sprawdzic moj list? To moj pierwszy także wszelkie wskazówki (mimo, ze jest ich dosc duzo w internecie) sa dla mnie jak na wagę złota.

Mialem opisac moj miesiac pracy przy adventurous holidays z wytyczonymi wskazówkami. Ne będę przepisywał tutaj polecenia bo było dość długie, zależy mi bardziej na sprawdzeniu tego co napisałem.

Hello Carlo,
Great to hear from you. Well, I must say there are pros and cons of this job but I definitely gained a lot of experience.

I recollect that the beginning was pretty tough. Paper work claimed all my day, so obviously don’t count on doing anything fun at the first day. When you sink your teeth a bit more it will get nicer and nicer. You will be suppose to help others by explaining things, what seemingly looks boring but actually it isn’t. You will be able to have a chat with people of different nationalities and enhance your English skills. I also had to do a presentation for important English visitors. It was at the tenth day of my work. I remember it so well because as you know I’m a timid person and I really experienced it. Fortunately, all went smooth and people were especially kind. You probably wonder why I don’t say anything about those remarkable adventurous, which I suppose you expect Well, it doesn’t look that bright. For the first time I went canoeing just a few days before my leaving.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Ps: Don’t forget to write me what you have decided!

Best wishes,
I 'recollect' (mozna tez dac slowo 'remember') that the beginning was pretty tough. Paper work claimed all my day, so obviously don’t count on 'doing anything fun' (having any fun) 'at' ON the first day. When you sink your teeth INTO IT a bit more it will get nicer and nicer. You 'will be' ARE suppose to help others by explaining things what seemingly looks A boring JOB but actually it isn’t.
It was 'at the tenth' (during the 10th) day of my work. I remember it so well because as you know I’m a timid person and I really 'experienced' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo- moze 'feared') it. Fortunately, all went smoothLY and people were especially kind. You probably wonder why I don’t say anything about those remarkable 'adventurous' (blad ortog), which I suppose you expect Well, it doesn’t look that bright. For the first time EVER I went canoeing just a few days before my leaving (the job).

Dzięki. Czy ma znaczenie czy uzyje recollect czy remember - mam na mysli, czy jestes jakas roznica w tym znaczeniu pomiedzy tymi slowkami?

i jeszcze jedno pytanie: czemu you are suppose to ?
by explaining things, what seemingly looks boring - a czy tu czasemj nie powinno być which instead of what?
"(...) pomagania innym poprzez wyjasnianie spraw, co wydaje sie na pierwszy rzut oka (...)"

Things - rzeczownik, wiec what :). Przynajmniej ja tak sobie to tłumacze.
edytowany przez konrad18m: 23 sty 2013
W takich sytuacjach stawiamy przecinek i używamy which i ten wyraz znaczy ' co'. The turnout was very low, which made his blood boil. Frekwencja była niska co sprawiło, że się w nim zagotowało.
no rzeczywiscie masz racje, ze which tez znaczy 'co'. Nie wiem, kurde jakos pasuje mi to what :) moze ktos jeszcze wypowie się? :). W internecie znalazlem informacje, ze czesto mozna korzystac wymiennie z which/what wiec mozliwe, ze dlatego Teri nie poprawila.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.