czy mógłby ktos sprawdzić, czy dobrze rozwiązałam ten test:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź i zaznacz ją na arkuszu odpowiedzi.
1. There isn’t much milk left.
a) few b) many c) a lot d) much
2. It’s much farther to Warsaw than to Opole.
a) farthest b) far c) farther d) more farther
3. I will fix the broken table.
a) braken b) breaked c) broken d) broked
4. When did you first meet her?
a) meeten b) meet c) meted d) meeted
5. That car is mine
a) me b) my c) mines d) mine
6. My sister is as taller as my dad.
a) taller as b) tall than c) tall as if d) as tall as
7. Where were you born?
a) were b) was c) are d) been
8. How much money is it?
a) moneys b) coins c) Dollars d) money
9. Please, don’t let the kids do what they want.
a) do b) to do c) doing d) does
10. We’ve got a busy day tomorrow and we must get some sleep.
a) some b) any c) an d) lot of
11. There are lots of clouds. I’m afraid it is going to snow today.
a) does b) is going to c) would d) will
12. She ’s seeing her dentist tomorrow.
a) ’s seeing b) saw c) see d) will seeing
13. She lives in Poland, doesn’t she.?
a) is she b) does she c) doesn’t she d) isn’t she
14. You had better tell him the truth.
a) telling b) told c) to tell d) tell
15. They would rather go for a walk.
a) could b) would c) should d) had
16. You don’t have to smoke in this office. It’s not allowed.
a) shouldn’t to b) mustn’t c) don’t have to d) needn’t
17. Five years ago she didn’t use to sleep as much as now.
a) use to b) used to c) be used to d) get used to
18. Have you met her yet.?
a) yet b) already c) just d) ever
19. While she ) was reading a book, the telephone rang.
a) was reading b) have c) haded d) was read
20. Relax! I’ll ) be able to pick you up.
a) can b) able to c) be able to d) could
21. They don’t like it too.
a) too b) neither c) so d) either
22. We will go to sleep as soon as we arrived
a) arrived b) arrive c) would arrive d) will arrive
23. The murderer was caught by the police.
a) were caught b) caught c) was caught d) would caught
24. She likes men who are intelligent.
a) which b) who c) whose d) whom
6. źle - powinno być tak wysoka jak a nie tak wyższa jak
16. źle - zamiast nie musisz ma być nie wolno, nie można
21. They don’t like it too.
too - używamy w zdaniach twierdzących np. I like bananas too.
w zdaniach przeczÄ…cych wstawiamy either. I don't like oranges either.
22. W zdaniach dot. przyszłości po as soon as, when, once, until ... dajemy Present Simple

Reszta super! :)
6 tak wyższa jak?
16 nie musisz?
21 either - bo to zdanie przeczÄ…ce
22 present simple

reszta ok
No to masz dwa potwierdzenia




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