
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I am confused about the inversion. There are 5 exapmles

She didn’t really realize what was about to happen
Little did she realize what was about to happen

He doesn’t normally speak badly about other people
Rarely does he normally speak badly about other people

We had just sat down to dinner when the telephone rang
No sonner had we sat down to dinner, the telephone rang

This is the first time that computers have played such an important role in our lives.
Never have the computers played such an important role in our lives.

You will only be allowed to leave when you have finished the job.
Not until have finished you the job will only be allowed to leave
She didn’t really realize what was about to happen
Little did she realize what was about to happen OK

He doesn’t normally speak badly about other people
Rarely does he normally speak badly about other people OK

We had just sat down to dinner when the telephone rang
No sonner had we sat down to dinner, the telephone rang a gdzie THEN?

This is the first time that computers have played such an important role in our lives.
Never have the computers played such an important role in our lives. OK

You will only be allowed to leave when you have finished the job.
Not until have finished you the job will only be allowed to leave zly szyk w pierwszej czesci zdania. W kostrukcji z not until, szyk przestawny stosujemy w zdaniu drugim, nie pierwszym
gdzie THAN
kurde... no o to mi chodziło, a napisałem inaczej ;(

p.s. zresztą sporo mi posprawdzaliście z inwersji, więc jest dobrze z tym

wkrótce wstawie kolejne zdania dotyczące coordinators in English
edytowany przez grudziu: 16 lut 2013


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