proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
temat to czy lubisz duże centra handlowe?
będe wdzięczna za wszelkie poprawki :)

I like shopping . It is one of the most relaxing thing for women.
But I dont like large shopping centre. I feel overwhelmed and nervos.
I prefer small shops. I can find very orginal and cheap clothes.
Sometimes i buy something in chain store like zara but shops like that attract the crowds and i don't feel orginal.
Specially, people before christmas are crazy!
They buy every thing after sale. The queues are huge.
Food court is a horrible place for me. Food Courts serving artery-clogging onpaper-plates. People eating junk food and spent much money.
The mall is the place for young people : the girls in their high heels and short dresses, the boys with gelled hair.
I hate most of the shops, because of bright light, stupid music and many people inside.
But I can spend really much time in music or book store.
I really like small cosy shops. Untypical decorations and young novice fashion designer s.
There are no people. I feel relaxed. The shop assistant is very nice and only for me.
I like weekends because then I have a lot of free time, which I spend in Old Town. I think that doing the shopping is very nice manner to spend our free time.
edytowany przez magikowa44: 25 lut 2013
I like (GO) shopping . It is one of the most relaxing thingS for women TO DO.
But I don't like large shopping centreS. I feel 'overwhelmed and nervos' (niejasne + błąd ort.)
I prefer small shops.... (dokończ zdanie). I can find very orginal and cheap clothes. (a w centrach hadlowych to nie? Moim zdaniem jeszcze większy wybór:P)
Sometimes 'i' (pisz I) buy something in (przedimek) chain store like 'zara' (nazwa wł. duża litera) (przecinkek) but shops like that attract 'the' (niepotrz) crowds and i don't 'feel orginal' (to jest po polsku)
'Specially' (tu potrzebujesz słowa 'zwłaszcza'), people before christmas are crazy!
They buy everything 'after' (złe słowo) sale. 'The' (zbędne, ciagle piszesz OGÓLNIE) queues are 'huge' (ujdzie, ale może daj że są długie?)
(przedimek) Food court is a horrible place for me. Food courts 'serving artery-clogging onpaper' (co? sądzę, że nie to chciałaś/eś powiedzieć...)-plates.

People eating junk food 'and' (niepotrz) 'spent' (to jest past form) 'much' A LOT OF money ON IT. Napisz: ludzie, którzy jedzą dużo fast food wydają na to mnóstwo kasy.

The mall is the place for young people : 'the' FOR BOTH (niepotrz) girls in 'their' (niepotrz) high heels WEARING short dresses AND boys with gelled hair.

I hate most of the shops, because of bright lightS, stupid music and many people inside.

Dalszą cześć ogarnie ktoś inny, bo muszę iść na uniwerek.
edytowany przez grudziu: 25 lut 2013
No i nazwy wszystkich świąt piszemy WIELKA literą.

Christmas, a nie christmas.

Spory problem z przedimkami (nie przejmuj się też to dopiero ogarniam). Popracuj nad coordination, bo to jest po polsku. Ja tak tylko szybko przeleciałem, pewnie, wszystkiego nie zobaczyłem.

In shopping centres you can buy everything UNDER ONE ROOF.

Lecę, cześć!
... A LOT OF money ON IT. /?/
edytowany przez fui_eu: 25 lut 2013
Cytat: fui_eu
... A LOT OF money ON IT. /?/
disregard. I may have misconstrued what I read in magikowa's entry.