okresy warunkowe, sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1.If he doesn't arrive(not arrive)soon,we(have)will have to cancel the performance!
2.It's a shame he lives so far away.If he(live)lived near us,we(see)could see each other much more often.
3.I don't feel like going out for a walk today.Besides,the weather's bad.If it starts(start)raining,we(get) will get soaked.
4.It was very unfortunate of Jack to invite both Mary and Stan.If they hadn't met(not meet)at the party,they wouldn't have querreled(not quarrel)again.
quarreled - AmE
quarrelled - BrE

poza tym ok
no to raczej BrE powinien byc. dzięki:)


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