Past Perfect.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
She sacked him before he'd had a chance to explain his behaviour.
(Zdanie z Quirka z full version).

Najpierw go wywaliła, nie dając mu szans na wyjasnienie, to

= She had sacked him before he had a chance to explain his behaviour ?

Dlaczego w tym zdaniu 1 Past Perfect opisuje czynność, która była w druga w sekwencji?

Główkuję i nie mogę tego ogarnąć. To specjalne użycie PP?
to ci powinno rozjasnic sprawe:

“The use of the past perfective in before-constructions requires special consideration. These four sentences seem to be equivalent in meaning:

[11] I saw him before he saw me.
[12] I had seen him before he saw me.
[13] I saw him before he had seen me.
[14] I had seen him before he had seen me.

Sentence [13] appears to be paradoxical in that the second in the succession of events is marked with the past perfective, contrary to what we have noted above in after- and when-clauses. The explanation (cf 15.27) is that the before-clause in [13], and perhaps also in [14], may be nonfactual; that is to say, the event in the before-clause may not have taken place ('He did not get a chance to see me, because I evaded him')
Teraz kumam już! Dzięki stary :)
Savagerhino, czy mozesz podac zrodlo, z ktorego zacytowales? Dziekuje.
'A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language' - Quirk Greenbaum Leech Svartvik - full version - to ta pozycja Sav, tak? Ja jestem na początku jeśli chodzi o tę "angielską Biblię".
edytowany przez grudziu: 06 kwi 2013
tak, tylko raczej sie nie mowi 'full version' i tej ksiazce tylko "Quirk et al"

pierwsze zdanie z pierwszego paragrafu to opisuje :;jsessionid=F3D3A9F4B3F5F9FD2ED62DAAE730AE52.journals?fromPage=online&aid=1440428

nudna ksiazka, nic a nic o kobietach:)
Wiem, wiem ja tak zawsze potocznie mówię i nigdy nie mogę zapamiętać całego tytułu :), aby było jasne, że nie chodzi o tę cieniutką wersję.

>>>nudna ksiazka, nic a nic o kobietach:)

Heh :) Gdyby była o kobietach, to niewiele bym z niej pojął ;)

Long time ago, when I was learning English, Murphy's grammar was being referred to as THE BIBLE :-) A lot has changed I see. I must update my knowledge...
A long time ago? you mean when? Murphy's grammar is nothing on Quirk's. Michael Swan seems to be second in line to the bunch of best-known grammarians, another is Sav hehe, he very often shows us the ropes here.
Cytat: coffecup13
Long time ago, when I was learning English, Murphy's grammar was being referred to as THE BIBLE :-) A lot has changed I see. I must update my knowledge...

No, it's different. Murphy’s grammar was written for L2 learners. ‘Quirk et al’ is used by academics who are making their socio-linguistic studies and doing their PhD programs.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 06 kwi 2013
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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