Cytat: daniello15
Na klawisze to muzycy mówią 'keys', albo 'keyborads', czy w żargonie, czy oficjalnie. Jak przedstawiają na koncertach to jest zawsze "on the keys Mr John jakiś tam...". Tak zawsze mówią na wideo, które oglądam, na filmikach w YT itp. Nie żadne "joy boxy" itp :) 'Eighty eight' pewnie ....
You don’t know the half of it. Let me put it to you in simple English if you can't get it in Polish.
'Keys or keyboard' - this is what they usually call it when they announce a player to the audience. Once the‘gang’ is off the stage (to play yet another one night stand gig with their ‘hot fanbase’ while getting doped up like hell on crack and coke all together ), this is where they really start kicking out the jams if you know what that means. And this is where they can call it ‘joy-box’ or even ‘ivories’. The same goes for ‘axe’( guitar –wioslo, pazdierz, decha) or groan-box or lap organ ( accordion as ‘kaloryfer’ harmoszka, swinia)
People don’t know what’s going down there backstage.
I do :)
Cytat: daniello15
Nadal jestem ciekaw jak jest "próba zespołu" po angielsku.
I told you that already.
p.s. and one more thing- jazzerati don't generally do these 'bad things', they're not punks :)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 12 kwi 2013