Witam serdecznie!
Tłumaczę tekst dotyczący logistyki transportu i mam problem z przetłumaczeniem jednego zwrotu. Mianowicie 'time drivers'. Szukam w internecie jakiegoś odpowiednika polskiego ale nie mogę stworzyć nic sensownego. Moje typy to 'czynniki czasowe', z początku myślałem że będzie to może 'czas kierowców' po prostu, ale średnio mi to pasuje i gramatycznie i do kontekstu. Wydaje mi się, że ten termin jest ważny, więc chciałbym go przetłumaczyć poprawnie.
Treść z tekstu:
Time estimates for the activities and time drivers
There are six operational processes: shipment preparation, loading, transportation, unloading, warehouse operations and invoicing/auditing. Time estimates for activities are primarily based on interviews with the management team. The figures are assessed first hand by the managers. For uncertain figures, they consult with the operators to obtain the practical time. This “top down” approach provides a quick access to the data and reduces the frustration felt by employees to assess the exact operational time. Time drivers are attained by interviewing supervisors and managers on activities and their time consumption. It comprises a small set of critical drivers which can be obtained with moderate effort. The initial stage is to map the detailed activities within the processes, along with the estimated time for those activities. We re-examined the time appraisals - by asking ‘why’ - in an attempt to identify the drivers influencing the
duration of the activities. The received information confirms the time variation in the processes related to the service.
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