Proszę o sprawdzenie.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hi, Kate
I'm sorry I wrote back so long, but I had a lot of work.
Recently I did a multimedia presentation for class.
Its theme was changed. It can tell you about them.
Well, I think that the biggest change has taken place in this environment pollution.
Now there are a lot of factories and cars and they pollute the air.
As far as the global economy is a very well developed. Created a lot of modern businesses. Unfortunately, sometimes deal with it can not handle, and we deal with the economic crisis.
The changes that have taken place in a matter of policy, the world is sure that now that women can perform high positions in the state. For example, Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany.
However, when it comes to health, unfortunately there is a lot of modern diseases, which is hard to cure. The most common is cancer.
What do you think? Do you agree with me? Maybe you have a different opinion?
Reply as soon as possible. I look forward to :)
Hi, Kate
I'm sorry I'm writting back so late, but I've had a lot of work.
Recently I've done a multimedia presentation for my class.
It's theme (topic?) had been changed*. It can tell you about it.
Well, I think that the biggest change has taken place in the environment pollution.
Now there are a lot of factories and cars with pollute the air.
As far as the global economy is very well developed, it creates a lot of modern businesses. Unfortunately, sometimes it can not handle dealing with (what? incompetent politics? deadly pollution? pandemic of cancer?), and the economic crisis appears.
Due to the changes that have taken place in a matter of policy, the world is now sure that women can perform high positions in the state. For example Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany.
However, when it comes to health, unfortunately there is a lot of diseases which are hard to cure. The most common of them is cancer.
What do you think? Do you agree with me? Maybe you have a different opinion?
Reply as soon as possible. I look forward to :)

Na marginesie, temu tekstowi brakuje ciągu logicznego (ale to już nie kwestia tłumaczenia).
* Szczerze mowiąc, nie wiem jakiego czasu tu użyć.
Na marginesie, to ten tekst ma za duzo bledow, ktore teraz poprawie.

I'm sorry THAT I'm 'writting' (ortog) back so late, but I've had a lot of work.
Recently I've done a multimedia presentation for my class.
'It's' (tu napisalas 'it is' - czy to pasuje?) theme (topic?) 'had been changed' (ja tego nie rozumiem). 'It' (na siebie mowisz 'it'?) can tell you about it.
Well, I think that the biggest change has taken place in the 'environment pollution' (cos tu nie tak).
Now there are a lot of factories and cars 'with' (zle slowo) pollute the air.
As far as the global economy 'is very well developed' (zle pojecie), it creates a lot of modern businesses. Unfortunately, sometimes 'it' (do czego to 'it' sie odnosi?) can not handle dealing with (what? incompetent politics? deadly pollution? pandemic of cancer?), and the economic crisis appears.
Due to the changes that have taken place in 'a' (niepotr) 'matter' (l. mn) of policy, the world is now sure that women can perform (tu brakujer slowa) high positions in the state. 'For example' (polacz to zdanie z poprzednim) Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany.
I look forward to :) (ale czego? nie napisalas)

Strasznie mi przykro, że nie dostałam piątki, ale obawiam się, że sprawdziła Sz.P. nie ten tekst co należalo.

Terri meant well. Anyway, she always does. There were some mistakes of yours to be corrected after all. Chillax :-)


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