Continuous or Perfect

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie;) Z góry dzięki;)
Complete the sentences by choosing the correct verb form.

1. Cindy ('s been cleaning/'s cleaned) the house for over two hours but (hadn't cleaned/hasn't cleaned) the attic yet.
2. He ('s been/'d been) to Greece several times. Since last November he ('s been travelling/'s travelled) there twice a month to visit his family.
3. Before the parents went on a trip, they (have told/had told) their children not to watch too much TV. Unfortunately, that's all they ('d been doing/'ve done) until their parents came back.
4l Recently, I ('ve seen/'m seeing) a famous actor in a local supermarket. In fact, he ('d been seen/was seen) shopping there a long time before I saw him, my friends told me.
5. In war times, the building of the library (had served/has served) as a prison. For over twenty years after the war, public trials (have taken/had been taking) place there until the owner sold the property to a private investor. The library had a row of columns in the front which lately (have been demolished/was being demolished) by the new owner to prevent their sudden collapse. Now, the construction company (is converting/was converting) the building into a business centre.
6. Currently, I ('m working/'ve working) on a big-scale project using the dresses I ('ve designed/'d designed) during the studies. Hopefully, I ('ll have finished/'ll be finishing) it by next month.
7. This time last year I (was sailing/'d been sailing) across the Pacific. It (was raining/had rained) heavily for twelve days but, as I ('d experienced/'ve been experiencing) harsh conditions before, I managed to keep my boat afloat.
8. He ('s lost/'s been losing) half of his salary on gambling and now he ('s asking/'s asked) me to help him pay the bills. What a nerve!
9. They ('ve argued/'ve been arguing) since she announced that she (was leaving/'s been leaving) him for good.
10. "What's going on? Why (is everybody rushing/has everybody rushed) outside?"
"The newly opened restaurant ('s given/'s been giving) out free pizza vouchers."

1 ok
2 ok
3 had told; had been doing
4 was seen
5 ok
6 have designed
7 ok
8 has lost; is asking
9 ok
10 has everybody rushed tez ok; has been giving
Odpowiedzi z wyjątkiem jednej (4zdanie) były poprawne:) Dziękuję serdecznie, bardzo mi pomogłeś.
zartujesz - kto ci sprawdzal te zdania, bo troche sie pogubilem
engee, też bym tam dał 'was seen' bo sekwencja jest dość jasna poprzez 'before'. W szkole, w ogóle na studiach kazaliby dać Past Present, co dla mnie jest trochę overcorrectness, ale tak musimy.
ale sylwusia mowila, ze jej odpowiedi byly okay oprocz 4 czy moje :?
teraz tak patrze to jednak te had seen w 4 jest 'beardziej' poprawne - ta czesc juz wchodzi w sklad mowy zaleznej wprowadzonej przez My friends told me...
ale faktem jest to, ze w codziennym jezyku forma past simple jest forma czesciej wystepujaca
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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