
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam :)
Potrzebuję pomocy. Napisałam email ale nie wiem czy jest on dobrze napisany. Prosiłabym aby ktoś pomógł mi w znalezieniu błędów :)

Hi Kate!
Here I'm in United States! I got here last Thursday. I slept all flight. I stayed in hotel. On Friday I'm sightseeing monuments.
The new school is okay. On music class I' m learning play trumped. It's great! I'm good at playin basketball too. Maybe I will playing in basketball team.
In school I met many amazing people. I most like Emily. This is my really good friend. She will help me at math and physic. Emily is from United States and she loves animals.
Sorry but I must finish because I'm very tired.

See you!
Hi Kate!
Here I {am} in {the} United States! I got here last Thursday. I slept {throughout the} flight. I{'m staying} in {a} hotel. On Friday I'm sightseeing monuments.
The new school is okay. {In} music class{,} I'm learning {to} play {the trumpet}. It's great! I'm good at {playing} basketball too. Maybe {one day} I will {be} playing in {a} basketball team.
In school{,} I met {a lot of} amazing people. I most like Emily. This is {really my} good friend. She will help me {with my maths} and {physics}. Emily is from {the} United States and she loves animals.
Sorry but I must finish {now} because I'm very tired.

See you!
Dziękuję pięknie :)
edytowany przez mixerrss: 21 kwi 2013


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