zdania - gramatyka, do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1) Tom will not pay a fine, if he didn't smoke .
2) She wouldn't have died if a car hadn't hit her
3) If Jane weren't so beautiful, she wouldn't have won
4) If it doesn't rain we could go for a picnic
5) This food would taste better if I add more salt.
6) He would sell this car if he wasn't me.
7) If Tom could walk without help, he would go out more often
8) If She wouldn't have given me the perscription I hadn't been ill
9) If I earned more I may buy a flat
10) They wouldn't have been late if they hadn't left late
11) If you keep it in a refrigerator, it will go stale
12) If she went there yesterday, she would be rich now
1,5, 9 pomieszales roznce okresy warunkowe
8 bez sensu
11 naprawde zepsuje sie w lodowce?
12 zly conditional w pierwszej czesci
jak powinno byc?
to Tobie zależy, żeby było dobrze odrobione. Pogłówkuj i wpisz poprawione wersje.
1) would not albo won't
5) would add
9) can lub will
11) takie zdanie
12) hadn't gone
1 nie albo, tylko jedno z nich
5 nie, blad gramatyczny
9 nie, nadal pomieszane okresy warunkowe
11 zaprzecz
12 tak, albo had gone
Is 6 ok?
I meant wasN'T. /?/
me too
right, no negation.

1) Tom won’t pay a fine if he didn’t smoke in a pub.
2) She wouldn’t have died if a car hadn’t hit her
3) If Jane weren’t so beautiful, she wouldn’t have won the title.
4) If it doesn’t rain we could go for a picnic.
5) The soup would taste better if I added more salt
6) He would sell this car if he wasn't me.
7) If Tom could walk without help, he would go out more often
8) She wouldn't have given me the perscription if I wasn’t ill
9) If I earned more I could buy a flat
10) They wouldn't have been late if they hadn't left late
11) If you won’t keep it in a refrigerator, it will go stale
12) If she hadn’t gone yesterday, she would be rich now
1 zly czas
11 zły czas w pierwszej czesci. Jaki czas stosuje sie po if w 1st cond.?
12 'gdyby nie odeszla wczoraj' - to takie smutne
Napewno 12 jest dobrze przepisane?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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