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Book of Suzanne Collins tell of cruel state In North America. Etery years two person(boy and girl) starting in Hungry Games. The main character is Katniss Everdeen. She is a boost of your family. When her sister is selected to started in Hungry Games, rescues her and she starting in Game. There is a love component to this story between two heroes (Katniss and Peeta). This book has a very intense plot filled with adventure and this book has beautiful and fascinating message in it. I am surprised and happy becouse I am not expected this ending. I recommend it to anyone!!
(brtak przedimka - dlaczego ich nie wstawiasz, jak wiesz dobrze ze one sa potrzebne) book of Suzanne Collins 'tell' (dlaczego nie rozumiesz ze book-it- to 3os.l.poj) of 'cruel state' (nie rozumiem o czym mowa) on North America. 'Etery' (co to?) 'years' (dlacego to jest w l. mnogiej, jak masz 'every' co potrzebyje l. poj?) two 'person' (ale przeciez 'two' daje ci znac, ze potrzeba l. mnogiej!) (boy and girl) 'starting' (zle slowo) in Hungry Games.
She is a 'boost of' (nie rozumiem o czym mowa) your family. When her sister is selected to 'started' (zly czas) in Hungry Games, (kto? co? pies? kot? znajomy?) rescues her and she 'starting' (zle slowo) in (brak przedimka) Game.
This book has a very intense plot filled with adventure and this book has (przedimek) beautiful and fascinating message in it. I am surprised and happy 'becouse' (no powiedz mi kochanie, gdzie znalazles to slowo? w ktorym podreczniku?) I 'am not' (tutaj to ma byc w innym czasie) 'expected' (zly czas) this ending.


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